issue contents
June 2017 issue

Cover illustration: Recombinant phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase 2 from Thermus thermophilus HB27 complexed with ADP and sulfate ions (Timofeev et al., p. 369).
research communications

The crystal structures and functional characterization of two anti-NHBA human Fabs provide insight into the recognition by human antibodies of one of the main components of the first vaccine against serogroup B N. meningitidis (Bexsero).
The crystal structure of Rv1220c reveals a typical methyltransferase fold and a His164–Asp138 pair which is conserved in homologues from all species of Mycobacterium.
PDB reference: Rv1220c, 5x7f
The cell-wall-anchoring basal pilus protein SpaE from L. rhamnosus GG was crystallized using PEG 3350 as a precipitant to yield trigonal and orthorhombic crystal forms that diffracted to 3.1 and 1.5 Å resolution, respectively. Selenium-substituted SpaE crystals have been generated for Se-SAD phasing and structure determination.
The protein of unknown function Ta1207 from T. acidophilum consists of two domains with a common novel α/β-fold. Ta1207 forms a homopentameric complex in the crystal lattice and in solution.
PDB reference: Ta1207, 5m86
Apo human thymidylate synthase was crystallized using a low ammonium sulfate concentration. A sulfate ion at the interface between the two subunits favours the active conformation.
PDB reference: human thymidylate synthase, 4up1
A phosphate-binding protein from Polaromonas JS666 has been isolated, purified, characterized and crystallized. As it shares only 31% sequence identity with its closest known homologous structure, molecular-replacement approaches failed and the structure was solved using the sulfur SAD method. Its structure is expected to reveal its binding cleft and explain its maximal phosphate-binding activity at basic pH.
DEAH-box RNA helicase 15 (DHX15) is important for both RNA metabolism and innate immune responses to viral RNA. The crystal structure of human DHX15, including the catalytic core consisting of the two N-terminal RecA domains and the C-terminal regulatory domains, was determined.
PDB reference: DHX15, 5xdr

The enzyme N-acetylmannosamine kinase (NanK) catalyzes the second step of the bacterial sialic acid catabolic pathway. Here, the structure of F. nucleatum NanK is presented at 2.23 Å resolution.
PDB reference: N-acetylmannosamine kinase, 5nck

The crystal structure of MarR from C. difficile is reported.
PDB reference: MarR, 5eri
The crystal structure of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase from a thermophilic strain of T. thermophilus was determined. An ADP molecule and a sulfate ion were located in the active site and a sulfate ion was located in the allosteric site.
PDB reference: phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase, 5t3o