issue contents
December 2023 issue

Cover illustration: See the editorial by Cristy Nonato to find out about our plans for Acta Cryst. F – Structural Biology Communications [Nonato (2023), Acta Cryst. F79, 294].

One of the Editors of Acta Cryst. F – Structural Biology Communications describes what the future holds for the journal.
research communications

The structure of the human smacovirus 1 Rep domain was obtained at 1.33 Å resolution. This new HUH endonuclease offers a new ssDNA-binding sequence specificity that will be exploited to increase orthogonality among Rep families.
PDB reference: human smacovirus 1 Rep domain, 8fr5
The crystal structure of the copper–zinc superoxide dismutase from lemon (Citrus limon) shows a unique arrangement of surface loop IV in the dimer interface that reveals a direct relationship between the dimeric form and the enzyme activity.
PDB reference: copper–zinc superoxide dismutase from lemon, 8jd8