Facility Information for LAAAMP
Lightsources for Africa, the Americas, Asia and Middle East Project
Through this project, entitled in full Utilisation of Light Source and Crystallographic Sciences to Facilitate the Enhancement of Knowledge and Improve the Economic and Social Conditions in Targeted Regions of the World, ICSU partner with IUPAP and IUCr to enhance Advanced Light Sources (AdLS) and crystallographic sciences in Africa, Mexico, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia and Middle East.
Facility information pages
Recent articles published in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation by African authors

Ball-milling of a coarse LiF powder was employed to produce nanostructured fluorites with different defect concentration for thermoluminescence applications. In situ X-ray diffraction analysis shows that thermoluminescence is highly dependent on the structural defect densities and on the degree of interaction between dislocations and point defects.

A successful application of singular value decomposition analysis to time-dependent powder diffraction data of an in-situ photodimerization reaction of some anthracene derivatives is presented.

A statistical iterative image reconstruction algorithm is developed for the local tomography problem in synchrotron radiation X-ray micro-computed tomography.

BL-17A is a new structural biology beamline at the Photon Factory, dedicated to protein crystallography of microcrystals. Here the X-ray beam stabilization techniques used at BL-17A are described.

The application of a turnkey communication system for telepresence at station 9.8 of the Synchrotron Radiation Source, Daresbury, is described and demonstrated, including its use for inter-continental classroom instruction and user training.

The atomic configuration of the pseudo-monoclinic structure of Hägg carbide (χ-Fe5C2) was confirmed by a real-space modelling of the pair distribution function and comparison with results from high-resolution synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction.

Commercial-grade Zr powder loaded with hydrogen in situ and phase transformations between various Zr and ZrHx phases have been monitored in real time.

A novel scattering technique in reflection geometry which enables a topological description of very rough surfaces of disordered systems is presented. The set-up uses soft X-rays at wide incident angles.