issue contents
July 2015 issue

Cover illustration: Closing two decades in pursuit of defect-free beam wavefronts, new techniques appear nowadays to put X-ray speckle at work, the latter being considered for long as a nuisance. The sketch shows the principle of one of these techniques applied to at-wavelength metrology (see Berujon, Ziegler and Cloetens, pages 886-894). Therein, a membrane modulates the wavefront with speckle for every grain to act as a unique ray tracer across the detectors' pixels.
facility information
feature articles

A compound optical system consisting of mirror and waveguide optics implemented at beamline P10 of the PETRA III storage ring is described, along with the typical coherent nano-focus and imaging applications.
research papers

Vibration measurements of a cryocooled double-crystal monochromator are presented. The origins of the vibrations are identified. The minimum achieved vibration of the relative pitch between the two crystals is 48 nrad RMS and the minimum achieved absolute vibration of the second crystal is 82 nrad RMS.

The theoretical description and experimental implementation of a speckle-tracking-based instrument which permits the characterisation of X-ray pulse wavefronts.

The design and performance of the new multi-axis goniometer PRIGo developed at the Swiss Light Source at Paul Scherrer Institute is described.

The design and performance of the Apple-Knot undulator which can generate photons with arbitrary polarization and low on-axis heat load are presented.
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The Extreme Conditions Beamline P02.2 and the Extreme Conditions Science Infrastructure at PETRA III
Performance description of the Extreme Conditions Beamline (ECB, P02.2) at PETRA III that is optimized for micro-diffraction at simultaneous high pressure and high and low temperatures created in different diamond anvil cells environments. Additional information of the capabilities of the Extreme Conditions Science Infrastructure for DAC work is provided.

The two-dimensional slope error of an X-ray mirror has been retrieved by employing the speckle scanning technique, which will be valuable at synchrotron radiation facilities and in astronomical telescopes.
Finite-element analysis and ray tracings show that a Kirkpatrick–Baez pair can deliver a micrometer size pink beam free of higher-order contamination despite a change in absorbed power density from practically zero up to 0.67 W mm−2.
Based on the coupled wave theory, a new dynamical modeling approach is proposed to study the focusing performance of the multilayer Laue lens with layer placement error.

A system has been developed to measure the vertical position and angle of the electron beam at a single location from a synchrotron source. The system uses a monochromator tuned to the absorption edge of a contrast material and has a sensitivity comparable with other beam position monitors.
The presented X-ray optics is useful for variable-magnification of an X-ray beam, enabling the spatial resolution and field of view of an optical system to be controlled.

A high-energy-resolution spectrometer featuring a quartz crystal analyzer is presented. The manuscript includes a step-by-step recipe for manufacturing the analyzer and a detailed ray-tracing analysis.
The specifications and performance of the HERMES beamline are described in detail.

The increment of elastic strain distribution, with a micrometer spatial resolution, is obtained by the correlation of successive Laue images. Application to a bent Si crystal allows evaluation of the accuracy of this new Laue-DIC method, which is about 10−5.

Commercial-grade Zr powder loaded with hydrogen in situ and phase transformations between various Zr and ZrHx phases have been monitored in real time.
X-ray standing-wave measurement results provide evidence that the ability of a protein to bind metal ions increases substantially under xenobiotics exposure.
A new approach to determine XAS on absolute and relative scales for dilute (1–15 mM) solutions using transmission measurements – the hybrid technique. The approach is applied to 15 mM nickel complex solutions yielding a relative uncertainty of 0.1–0.2%.
The optimization of a hard-X-ray streak camera for picosecond X-ray spectroscopy at low signal contrast is presented.
Many researchers have pointed out that there is a quantum critical point (QCP) in the F-doped SmOFeAs system. In this paper, an evident relationship between the mysterious QCP and the fundamental Fe—As bond was established, providing new insights on the interplay between the QCP, charge dynamics and the local structural Fe—As bond in Fe-based superconductors.
An attempt to validate the beam spectrum on the ID17 beamline at the ESRF is made by comparing measurements of X-ray attenuation in copper with the predictions of a theoretical model. The purpose of the study is to provide an accurate energy spectrum to a computerized treatment planning system which will be used in forthcoming synchrotron microbeam radiotherapy trials of spontaneous tumors in pet cats and dogs at the ESRF.
A Hubbard model implemented in a real-space multiple-scattering formalism is used to describe the X-ray absorption due to localized states in transition metal- and lanthanide-oxides.
Synchrotron phase-contrast X-ray imaging is well suited to non-invasive imaging in small-animal models such as mice and rats, to reveal both structure (e.g. micro-computed tomography) and function (e.g. lung velocimetry). Here the first live-animal lung imaging at the Australian Synchrotron Imaging and Medical Beamline are presented.
An approach for quantitative phase retrieval in X-ray Zernike phase contrast microscopy by use of different phase rings is proposed.
Characteristics of Friedel pairs in diffraction contrast tomography are studied in the condition that the rotation axis of the sample is not exactly perpendicular to the incident X-ray direction.

A method enabling the retrieval of thickness or projected electron density of a sample from a single input image is derived theoretically and successfully demonstrated on experimental data.

A Laue–Bragg geometry is introduced for splitting an X-ray beam and tuning each of the two branches to selected wavelength. Stereoscopic and dual-energy imaging was performed with this system.
Full-field X-ray microdiffraction imaging using synchrotron radiation is employed to investigate the long-range distribution of strain fields in silicon wafers induced by indents at different conditions in order to simulate wafer fabrication damage.
Three-dimensional nano-tomography of a rice pollen grain using a transmission X-ray microscope is presented, and a biological analysis is performed. The results demonstrate that transmission X-ray microscopy is useful for performing nano-tomography research on eukaryotic cells.
Overview of the possibilities and associated methodological challenges of novel optical tweezers-based in vivo confocal X-ray fluorescence imaging of biological model organisms at synchrotron facilities, particularly ESRF-ID13.
short communications

Synchrotron inline phase-contrast computed tomography in combination with single-distance phase retrieval enables quantification of morphological alterations in lungs of mice with mild and severe experimental allergic airways disease in comparison with healthy controls.
The performance of MISTRAL, the soft X-ray transmission microscopy beamline at the ALBA light source (Barcelona, Spain), is reported. Two scientific applications are also presented.

The Nanoscopium 155 m-long beamline is dedicated to 2D/3D scanning hard X-ray multimodal nano-imaging. This paper describes the optical concept, the first measured performance of the beamline and the proof-of-principle multi-technique hierarchical length-scale imaging experiments.
teaching and education

Four freeware programs are compared for the reconstruction of synchrotron based in-line phase-contrast computed tomography datasets to provide researchers and educators with information for managing their imaging needs.
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