issue contents
May 2009 issue

Cover illustration: MicroGISAXS (ID13, ESRF) measurement of a protein thin Langmuir-Blodgett film (see Pechkova, Tripathi and Nicolini, pages 330-335). A characteristic feature of a GISAXS pattern is the Yoneda peak, shown here in blue.
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research papers
The demagnetization of thermally treated Nd2Fe14B magnets of insertion devices owing to high-energy electron irradiation was analyzed using FLUKA and compared with experimental results.
Silicon and germanium refractive lenses with a kinoform profile have been fabricated by Diamond Light Source and STFC. The first test of a germanium lens providing micrometre hard X-ray focusing is described.
The dramatic increase in long-range order in Langmuir–Blodgett multilayered enzyme films after heating and cooling is made apparent by grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering using a microbeam.
The quality of small-angle X-ray diffraction patterns of quick-frozen hydrated biological specimens has been correlated with the state of the ice as inferred from simultaneously recorded wide-angle scattering. The relation between the diffraction quality and the distance from the surface, and the effect of cryoprotectants is discussed.
This paper describes a new apparatus for X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurement that can be easily installed at different X-ray and UV beamlines at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory.
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A high-precision diffractometer with a synchrotron radiation microfocusing technique has been developed to investigate the crystal structure of a submicrometre-scale single grain of powder sample. The structure of a BaTiO3 single powder grain, of dimensions ∼600 × 600 × 300 nm, was determined.
New slits have been designed which use an apodization technique to reduce the parasitic background caused by the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of the aperture in a coherent SAXS experiment.

Characterization of PILATUS single-photon-counting X-ray detector modules regarding charge sharing, energy resolution and rate capability is presented. The performance of the detector was tested with surface diffraction experiments at the synchrotron.
A novel method for two-dimensional micro-XAS mapping in transmission mode through a diamond anvil cell developed at the energy-dispersive EXAFS beamline of the ESRF is presented.
A simple expression has been analytically derived as a universal function to evaluate the brilliance of undulator radiation considering the effects of the finite emittance and energy spread of the electron beam.
The use of a gated PILATUS detector for picosecond time-resolved X-ray diffraction experiments is demonstrated.

A new method of time-resolved solution scattering utilizing X-ray multilayer optics is presented.
Dosimetry based on methylene blue bleaching gives unsaturated measurements of very high flux X-rays.
An early caries lesion in tooth enamel was studied by microbeam X-ray diffraction.
An X-ray magnetic circular dichroism study performed at the rare-earth L2,3-edges in the RxR1−x′Al2 compounds is presented, showing that both R and R′ atoms contribute to the XMCD recorded at the L-edges of the selected rare-earth, either R or R′.
An updated overview of the progress of BioXAS and metalloproteomics that has emerged from recent meetings.
Arsenic applied in the preservation of taxidermy specimens was shown with imaging X-ray fluorescence to penetrate the hair. This complicates efforts to identify endogenous arsenic in poisoning cases, but reduces potential exposure when handling specimens.
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) treated by nitric acid are investigated, giving evidence of the oxidation on both the carbonaceous fragments and the side walls of SWCNTs. It is also shown that washing with sodium hydroxide removes carboxylated carbonaceous fragments and a further acid treatment will directly modify the tube walls of SWCNTs.
short communications

High-speed synchrotron-based radioscopy is applied to study a coalescence event (which lasts ∼2 ms) in situ in a liquid metal foam.
letters to the editor

Comments on Harris et al. [J. Synchrotron Rad. (2008). 15, 123–128].

Response to Guzzi & Pigatto's comments in the previous paper.
addenda and errata

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