issue contents
January 2011 issue
3rd International Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology (ISDSB2010)
Paris-Sud/XI University, Orsay, France, 25-28th May 2010
Cover illustration: Images from presentations given at ISDSB2010. Centre: 70S ribosome crystal structure (courtesy of V. Ramakrishnan). Top right: neutron crystallography nuclear density maps of a singly protonated (left) and doubly protonated (right) histidine in haemoglobin (courtesy of Y. Morimoto). Bottom right: X-ray tomography reconstruction of the yeast S. pombe (courtesy of C. Larabell). Left: small-angle X-ray scattering rigid-body fitting for -crustacyanin (from Rhys et al., pages 79-83).
facility information
diffraction structural biology
Open access
An introductory overview to the special issue papers on diffraction structural biology in this issue of the journal.
Open access
Based on the molecular architecture revealed by electron cryo-tomography, the mechanism of the bending motion of eukaryotic flagella/cilia is discussed.
Open access
The crystal structure of CutA1 from the psychrotrophic bacterium Shewanella sp. SIB1 in a trimeric form was determined at 2.7 Å resolution. This is the first crystal structure of a psychrotrophic CutA1.
PDB reference: 3ahp
Open access
A low-cost light-emitting diode (LED) UV source has been developed for facilitating macromolecular sample centring in the X-ray beam.
Open access
Three crystallization methods, including crystallization in the presence of a semi-solid agarose gel, top-seeded solution growth (TSSG) and a large-scale hanging-drop method, have previously been presented. In this study, crystallization has been further evaluated in the presence of a semi-solid agarose gel by crystallizing additional proteins. A novel crystallization method combining TSSG and the large-scale hanging-drop method has also been developed.
Open access
Crystal structures of a membrane protein transporter in three different conformational states provide insights into the transport mechanism.
Open access
Diffraction data to 3.2 Å from crystals of the 3.6 MDa erythrocruorin from a Brazilian earthworm represent the highest resolution reported to date for similar complexes. An unambiguous molecular replacement solution shows the particle to belong to the type I class.
Open access
Structural properties of plant nuclease TBN1 are studied using synchrotron radiation to explain its specificity, role of glycosylation and to contribute to potential application in cancer treatment.
Open access
Macromolecular crystallography at high pressure (HPMX) is a mature technique. Shorter X-ray wavelengths increase data collection efficiency on cryocooled crystals. Extending applications and exploiting spin-off of HPMX will require dedicated synchrotron radiation beamlines based on a new paradigm.
Open access
The collection of absorption and Raman spectroscopic data correlated with X-ray diffraction data allows investigators to understand the atomic structure as well as the electronic and vibrational characteristics of their samples, to identify transiently formed intermediates and to explore mechanistic questions. Raman spectroscopy instrumentation at beamline X26-C at the NSLS is currently available to the general user population.
Open access
A new beamline for simultaneous SAXS/WAXS of biomolecules in solution is described.
Open access
DING proteins constitute a recently discovered protein family that is ubiquitous in eukaryotes. The structural insights and the physiological involvements of these intriguing proteins are hereby deciphered.
Open access
The crystallization process can be controlled by protein surface shielding agents blocking undesirable competitive adhesion modes during non-equilibrium processes of deposition of protein molecules on the surface of growing crystalline blocks. The hypothesis is based on a number of experimental proofs from diffraction experiments and also retrieved from the Protein Data Bank.
Open access
In order to minimize the size of the X-ray source for a U-shaped rotating anticathode X-ray generator, the electron beam is focused over a short distance by a combined-function bending magnet. Simulation predicts that the beam brightness will reach almost 500 kW mm−2 for a 120 keV/75 mA beam.
Open access
Consecutive temporal analyses of enzyme structure have been performed during reactions in order to clarify the structure-based reaction mechanism. Four intermediate structures have been determined.
Open access
A binary complex between a low-molecular-weight purine nucleoside phosphorylase and ribose-1-phosphate is described for the first time and comparisons with known ternary complexes are drawn.
PDB reference: 3fb1
Open access
The structures of old yellow enzyme from Trypanosoma cruzi which produces prostaglandin F2α from PGH2 have been determined in the presence or absence of menadione.
Open access
Three research initiatives pursued by the Macromolecular Diffraction Facility at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (MacCHESS) are presented.
Open access
A lanthanoid complex, [Eu(DPA)3]3−, was used to obtain experimental phases at 4.0 Å resolution of PhTET1-12s, a large self-compartmentalized homo-dodecameric protease complex of 444 kDa.
Open access
The structure of α-crustacyanin has been determined to 30 Å resolution using negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) single-particle averaging and modelling with the β-crustacyanin dimer from the crystal structure (Protein Data Bank code 1gka), guided by PISA protein subunit interface calculations for 1gka, and compared with the protein arrangements observed in the crystal lattice of 1gka. This α-crustacyanin EM model has been checked against SAXS experimental data, including comparison with rigid-body models calculated from the SAXS data, and finally with analytical ultracentrifugation measurements.
Open access
Optimal salt concentration in a PEG-based crystallization solution is important for successful crystal growth and can be predicted prior to performing crystallization experiments.
Open access
Crystals of hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase grown in microgravity show improved quality.
current events
international union of crystallography