details of PLATON tests
PLAT001 Type_1 Check for embedded '_shelx_res_file' refinement instruction file (.res)
SHELXL2018 and later will automatically include the final '.res' file in the CIF as an embedded comment preceded by the dataname '_shelx_res_file'. That dataname should not be renamed into '_iucr_refine_instructions_details'. This embedded file contains the complete details of the refinement model used and can along with the embedded _shelx_hkl_file be extracted to repeat the final refinement in order to recreate the final '.fcf' file to be used for the validation of the refinement.
PLAT002 Type_2 Report the number of atom sites with distance/angle restraints
This ALERT reports the number of atomic sites that are flagged in the CIF as distance or angle restrained (D-Flag). The associated derived geometry parameter values may be therefor less informative.
PLAT003 Type_2 Report the number of non-H atoms with Uiso or U(i,j) restraints
This ALERT reports the number of non-H atoms that are flagged as handled with Uiso or U(i,j) restraints (U-Flag). Their usage may hide unresolved disorder issues.
PLAT004 Type_5 Report the dimensionality of a polymeric structure
This ALERT reports on polymeric networks and their dimensionality as found in the crystal structure. Note: Polymeric structures can be legitimate or due to an erroneous structure analysis.
PLAT005 Type_5 Check for any embedded refinement instruction file present in the CIF
No embedded 'refinement details' records were found in the CIF. Acta Cryst. requires the inclusion of the last '.res' file (in case of a SHELXL, XL or OLEX2 refinement or similar for non-SHELXL refinement programs) in the CIF, embedded between records with semicolons in position 1, preceded by a _shelx_res_file or '_iucr_refine_instructions_details' record. Note: SHELXL20xy will automatically include the final '.res' file as an embedded comment with the dataname '_shelx_res_file'.
PLAT006 Type_5 Check for extinction parameter refinement
This ALERT reports the refinement of an extinction parameter. SHELXL corrects Fobs values in the FCF for Extinction. JANA not. Note: Large values of this parameter may be caused by other factors than extinction (e.g. twinning, systematically under or over-estimated intensities and other systematic errors).
PLAT007 Type_5 Report on unrefined Donor-H-atoms
It is standard practice to refine H-atoms on hetero atoms such as O & N as proof of their correct assignment.
PLAT011 Type_1 Test for any ATOM records found in the CIF
No atom coordinates were detected in the CIF prior to the U(i,j) loop. The atom labels in both loops should be identical in order to be associated with each other.
PLAT012 Type_1 Check for the presence of a valid _shelx_res_checksum record in the CIF
The supplied CIF contains a '_shelx_res_file' record but not a valid associated '_shelx_res_checksum' record. A valid pair of embedded '.res' and '.hkl' files allows the automatic creation of a '.fcf' file with SHELXL20xy to be used for a detailed analysis of the refinement result. A file is valid when the calculated and reported checksums are identical. Only characters with an ASCII value higher than 32 contribute to the checksum. An embedded '.res' file might be broken, either due to data transfer errors or to deliberate or accidental post-refinement editing of its content. Please re-refine after implementing any changes to the '.res' file.
PLAT013 Type_1 Check for the presence of a valid _shelx_hkl_checksum record in the CIF
The supplied CIF contains a '_shelx_hkl_file' record but not a valid associated '_shelx_hkl_checksum' record. A valid pair of embedded '.res' and '.hkl' files allows the automatic creation of a '.fcf' file with SHELXL20xy to be used for a detailed analysis of the refinement result. A file is valid when the calculated and reported checksums are identical. Only characters with an ASCII value higher than 32 contribute to the checksum. An embedded '.res' file might be broken, either due to transfer errors or to deliberate or accidental post-refinement editing of its content.
PLAT014 Type_1 Check for the presence of a valid _shelx_fab_checksum record in the CIF
The supplied CIF contains a '_shelx_fab_file' record but not a valid associated '_shelx_fab_checksum' record. A valid pair of embedded '.res' and '.hkl' files allows the automatic creation of a '.fcf' file with SHELXL20xy to be used for a detailed analysis of the refinement result. A file is valid when the calculated and reported checksums are identical. Only characters with an ASCII value higher than 32 contribute to the checksum. An embedded '.res' file might be broken, either due to transfer errors or to deliberate or accidental post-refinement editing of its content.
PLAT016 Type_5 Check for refinement FAB file (SHELXL20xy)
No embedded '_shelx_fab_file' record was found in the '.cif' file that was created with SHELXL20xy (or XL). SHELXL20xy automatically includes the '.fab' file that was used in the final refinement (along with the final '.res' & '.hkl' files) as an embedded comment with the dataname '_shelx_fab_file'. Do not change this dataname. Such a record is useful for archival and follow-up calculations.
PLAT017 Type_1 Check the consistency of scattering Type
Check for the correct scattering type assignment to this atom. The supplied '_atom_site_type_symbol' value (generally one or two characters) is found to be inconsistent with the first one or two characters in '_atom_site_label'.
PLAT018 Type_1 Check _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max and *_full equality
The values of '_diffrn_reflns_theta_max' and '_diffrn_reflns_theta_full' are reported as equal. However, the associated reported values of '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max' and '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full' are not equal. This is inconsistent. CIF Dataname Definitions: _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max: Fraction of unique (symmetry-independent) reflections measured out to '_diffrn_reflns_theta_max'. _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full: Fraction of unique (symmetry-independent) reflections measured out to '_diffrn_reflns_theta_full'. _diffrn_reflns_theta_max: Maximum theta angle in degrees for the measured intensities. The fraction of unique reflections measured out to this angle is given by '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max'. _diffrn_reflns_theta_full: The theta angle (in degrees) at which the measured reflection count is close to complete. The fraction of unique reflections measured out to this angle is given by '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full'.
PLAT019 Type_1 Check _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max/*_full consistency
The reported value of '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full' is less than the reported value of '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max'. Their ratio is reported when less than 1.0. When theta_full is less than theta_max such a value indicates that there are relatively more reflections missing at lower resolution. The measured fraction (completeness) is expected to be higher at a lower theta_full value. Usually, a theta_full value corresponding to sin(theta)/lambda = 0.6 Ang**-1 should give a satisfactory data completeness value. CIF Dataname Definitions: _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max: Fraction of unique (symmetry-independent) reflections measured out to '_diffrn_reflns_theta_max'. _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full: Fraction of unique (symmetry-independent) reflections measured out to '_diffrn_reflns_theta_full'. _diffrn_reflns_theta_max: Maximum theta angle in degrees for the measured intensities. The fraction of unique reflections measured out to this angle is given by '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max'. _diffrn_reflns_theta_full: The theta angle (in degrees) at which the measured reflection count is close to complete. The fraction of unique reflections measured out to this angle is given by '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full'.
PLAT020 Type_3 Check for unusually high Rint value
The value of Rint (i.e. '_diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents') should normally be considerably less than 0.12 and in the order of magnitude of the reported R-values. Rint may be relatively meaningless when based on a very limited number of averaged data. Higher values should be accompanied by a suitable explanation in the '_publ_section_exptl_refinement' section. However, authors should first ensure that there are not overlooked problems associated with the data or the space-group. Elevated values for '_diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents' may be indicative of a need to recollect the data from a crystal of higher quality or that there is a problem with the data treatment. Consider the following (a) The absorption corrections are inadequate or inappropriate. (b) The overall quality of the data may be poor due to the crystal quality. (c) The crystal is very weakly diffracting, so that a large proportion of essentially "unobserved" reflections are being used in the refinement. You should consider using a better crystal or a data collection at low temperature and/or, if the compound is organic, using Cu radiation. (d) You are working in the wrong crystal system or Laue group. (e) You have only a very small number of equivalent reflections, which may lead to artificially high values of '_diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents' Note that if '_diffrn_reflns_av_sigmaI/netI' is also large, the quality of the data should be considered to be suspect.
PLAT021 Type_4 Check expected number of reflections (Max = 1 Centro, 2 - non-centro)
The number of unique relections is the value reported in the CIF with the dataname '_reflns_number_total'. The expected number of reflections corresponds to that in the asymmetric unit of the Laue group. Expected ratio: less-or-equal 1 for centro symmetric structures and less than 2 for non-centrosymmetric structures. Reasons to exceed those numbers can be: 1 - Systematic absencies not omitted from the observed data count. 2 - Refinement with redundant (i.e. not merged/unique) data set. 3 - SHELXL HKLF 5 Refinement
PLAT022 Type_3 Check expected number of reflections (completeness)
Test for data completeness. The ratio of the reported number of unique reflections and expected number of reflections for the resolution given is reported. The ratio can be low due to a missing cusp of data when collected with a 2D-detector. Alternatively, the wrong asymmetric part of reciprocal space was collected on a serial detector system.
PLAT023 Type_3 Check Theta-Max
Check resolution of the data set. This alert is issued when sin(theta)/lambda < 0.6 (i.e. theta < 25.24 degree for MoKa or 67.7 degree for CuKa radiation). In principle, all observed data should be included in the refinement. Alternatively, a sin(theta)/Lambda cutoff value can be used at a value where average(I/Sigma(I)) < 2 in order not to refine on noise.
PLAT025 Type_1 Check for Hmin..Lmax
Check reported h,k,l - range with calculated range based on reported theta-max.
PLAT026 Type_3 Check for a weak data set
Check whether a sufficient %fraction of the symmetry averaged unique reflection set (= '_reflns_number_total') is indeed above the noise level (= '_reflns_threshold_expression') as measured by the ratio: 100 * ('_reflns_number_observed' or '_reflns_number_gt') -------------------------------------------------------- ('_reflns_number_total') Check whether this low %ratio is caused by weak data beyond the recommended minimum sin(theta)/lambda = 0.5 Ang**-1 resolution. Consider removal higher resolution shells beyond 0.5 Ang**-1 from the refinement when clearly noise. A ratio below 0.5 in all resolution shells (in particular the lowest resolution shells) may also point to missed translation symmetry such as unit cell halving. Similarly, (missed) twinning might result in a low %. See the resolution shell statistics in Section 6 of the validation '.ckf' file.
PLAT027 Type_3 Check _diffrn_reflns_theta_full
Ideally (and a requirement for publication in Acta Crystallographica), the dataset should be essentially complete, as defined by '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full' (close to 1.0), up to sin(theta)/lambda = 0.6 (i.e. 25.24 degrees MoKa). The three major causes of incomplete data sets are: 1 - A missing cusp of data due to data collection by rotation around the spindle axis only (standard on some image-plate systems). Cure: collect an additional data set after remounting the crystal. 2 - The DENZO image processing package has problems with certain strong reflections. They are often excluded from the data set. Cure: Add an additional scan at lower power setting in order to include strong low order reflections. 3 - Incomplete scans.
PLAT028 Type_3 Check the reported _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max
Ideally, the reported '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max' value, corresponding to theta-max, should be close to 1.0.
PLAT029 Type_3 Check the reported _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full
Ideally (and a requirement for publication in Acta Crystallographica), this fraction should be close to 1.0 for theta-full greater or equal to sin(theta/lambda) = 0.6 (i.e. 25.24 degrees for MoKa and 67.7 degrees for CuKa radiation). The three major causes of incomplete data sets are: 1 - A missing cusp of data due to data collection by rotation around the spindle axis only (standard on some image-plate systems). Cure: collect an additional data set after remounting the crystal. 2 - The DENZO image processing package has problems with certain strong reflections. They are often excluded from the data set. Cure: Add an additional scan at lower power setting in order to include strong low order reflections. 3 - Incomplete scans, possibly based on erroneously assumed higher than actual symmetry. Note: The default value of '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full' that is automatically calculated and inserted in the CIF by SHELXL-97 might generate A-level ALERTS when significant numbers of reflections are missing at higher theta values. In order to avoid such an ALERT, substitute the values calculated with the SHELXL instruction 'ACTA 50' for '_diffrn_reflns_theta_full' and '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full' respectively. For Mo-radiation, corresponding values of 25 degees (or higher) and 0.99 (or higher) are expected. (See SHELXL manual). PLATON may be used to analyse the case at hand (by invoking either the 'FCF-VALIDATION' mode or the 'ASYM-VIEW' mode).
PLAT030 Type_1 Check _diffrn_reflns_number >= _reflns_number_total
The number of measured reflections should be equal or greater than the number of unique reflections.
PLAT031 Type_4 Check need for extinction correction parameter
This test checks whether a refined extinction parameter is meaningful i.e. whether its value is significantly larger than its corresponding s.u. If not, this parameter should be removed from the model and the structure refined without this meaningless additional parameter. The current default gives a warning when its value is within 3.33 s.u. SHELXL97-2 will not allow negative values leading to ill-convergence and non-zero maximum shift/error values: remove the extinction parameter from the refinement.
PLAT032 Type_4 Check s.u. Flack parameter
Check the validity of the absolute structure determination. A high s.u. indicates that the experimental data do not support the determination of the absolute structure. This will generally be the case with light atom MoKa data where f" is nearly zero. Note: Use the TWIN & BASF 0.0 instructions in SHELXL97. The default FLACK parameter is not always reliable, in particular when strongly correlated with the position of the origin (e.g. along y in space-group P21). Please refer to Flack,H.D. & Bernardinelli, G. (1999) Acta Cryst. A55, 908-915 and (2000) J. Appl. Cryst., 33, 1143-1148.
PLAT033 Type_4 Check Flack parameter value
Check the relevance/validity of the absolute structure determination. Please refer to Flack,H.D. & Bernardinelli, G. (1999) Acta Cryst. A55, 908-915 and (2000) J. Appl. Cryst., 33, 1143-1148. A value of the Flack parameter that deviates significantly from zero (taking into account the associated s.u.) might indicate that the absolute structure should be inverted in case of a value closer to 1.0 than to zero. A value close to 0.5 may be indicative of an inversion twin or a missed centre of inversion. For valid absolute structure assignments, abs(x) should be less than 2 * s.u., with s.u. < 0.04. For enantiopure compounds, s.u. should be less than 0.1.
PLAT034 Type_1 Check for Flack parameter value specified Z>Si, non-centro
No Flack parameter value given for non-centrosymmetric structure with heaviest atom Z > Si. This might be intentional.
PLAT035 Type_1 Check for _chemical_absolute_configuration
Options are 'rm', 'ad', 'rmad', 'syn', 'unk' or '.' rm : absolute configuration established by the structure determination of a compound containing a chiral reference molecule of known absolute configuration. ad : absolute configuration established by anomalous dispersion effects in diffraction measurements on the crystal. rmad : absolute configuration established by the structure determination of a compound containing a chiral reference molecule of known absolute configuration and confirmed by anomalous dispersion effects in diffraction measurements on the crystal. syn : absolute configuration has not been established by anomalous dispersion effects in diffraction measurements on the crystal. The enantiomer has been assigned by reference to an unchanging chiral centre in the synthetic procedure. unk : absolute configuration is unknown, there being no firm chemical evidence for its assignment to hand and it having not been established by anomalous dispersion effects in diffraction measurements on the crystal. An arbitrary choice of enantiomer has been made. . : inapplicable.
PLAT036 Type_1 Check for missing Flack parameter s.u.
No standard uncertainty found for the Flack parameter. When the structure refinement was done with SHELXL97-2, the likely reason for this is a missing BASF instruction. This applies in particular when the associated Flack parameter has the value 0.000. No valid conclusions on the absolute structure can be drawn in that case.
PLAT037 Type_1 Check _diffrn_reflns_theta_full
No information is given about the theta value for which the dataset is complete, subject to the percentage given with the dataname '_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full'.
PLAT038 Type_1 Check _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max
This fraction should be specified in combination with the theta value given with the dataname '_diffrn_reflns_theta_full'.
PLAT039 Type_1 Check _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full
This fraction should be specified in combination with the value for '_diffrn_reflns_theta_max'.
PLAT040 Type_1 Test for H-atoms [0,1]
Alert for 'no H-atoms' in CIF. This is unusual for carbon containing compounds, but may be correct.
PLAT041 Type_1 Test sum formula
In the ideal case, both SumFormula strings (reported and calculated) should be identical. If not, the reason for the difference should be clear. Examples are cases where populations do not add up to integer numbers, or when solvent molecules have been SQUEEZED. Note: SHELXL97 reports population parameters in the CIF with two decimals only. This may lead to non-integer atom counts in cases of disorder due to rounding. Note: Alerts _041, _042 & _045 can probably be ignored when the relevant values differ by the same factor.
PLAT042 Type_1 Test moiety formula
In the ideal case, the MoietyFormula string as reported should be identical to the MoietyFormula string calculated from the data in the CIF. If not, the reason should be clear. Examples are cases where there is no separating space between two element names or cases where populations do not add up to integer numbers or when moieties are separated by '.' instead of ','. Example: NO3 should be given as N O3 Note: Alerts _041, _042 & _045 can probably be ignored when the relevant values differ by the same factor.
PLAT043 Type_1 Test for molecular weight
Note: atomic weights used in the calculation of the molecular weight are taken from Inorg. Chim. Acta 217 (1994) 217-218 which deviate in a few cases slightly from the older values used in SHELXL97-2. Note: The tabulated atomic weights that are used may deviate from the actual value in case of special isotopes of e.g. Uranium or Plutonium.
PLAT044 Type_1 Check reported against calculated density
In the ideal case, both data items should be the same within a small tolerance. If not, the reason should be clear. Check also whether the density value is reported in the CIF.
PLAT045 Type_1 Check reported and calculated Z
In the ideal case, the values of both data items (Z(calc) & Z(reported)) are expected to be the same. If not, the reason for that difference should be clear. An example is the situation where PLATON gives Z = 1 when the program cannot work out a proper Z. Note: Alerts _041, _042 & _045 can probably be ignored when the relevant values differ by the same factor.
PLAT046 Type_1 Check reported density with calculated density from Z * MW
D(calc) as calculated from the reported Z and MW is compared for consistency with the reported d(calc).
PLAT047 Type_1 Test sum formula given
The Sumformula, corresponding with the Moietyformula, should be given.
PLAT048 Type_1 Test moiety formula given
The Moiety formula (i.e. the specification of the various species in the structure) should be given in the CIF. Example: '(Cd 2+)3, (C6 N6Cr 3-)2, 2(H2 O)'
PLAT049 Type_1 Check calculated density > 1.0
The calculated density will with a few exceptions be larger than 1.0. A smaller value may indicate either an incomplete model or incorrect symmetry. (e.g. a missing 'bar' in P-1 etc.)
PLAT050 Type_1 Test for mu given [0,1]
The linear absorption coefficient corresponding to the Sumformula should be given.
PLAT051 Type_1 Test for difference mu(cif) with mu(calc) [% "\[\%\]" %]
In the ideal case, both Mu(calc) and Mu(cif) values should be the same within a small tolerance. If not, the reason for the difference should be clear. PLATON/checkCIF calculates Mu(calc) based on mu/Rho values tabulated in the Int. Tables for wavelengths Cu(Ka), Mo(Ka) and Ag(Ka). For other wavelengths, such as those for Synchrotron, Ga(Ka) and In(Ka) sources, those values are calculated following S. Brennan & P.L. Cowan (1992). Rev. Sci. Instr., 63, 850-853. Those values may differ slightly from values calculated with alternative external tools, in particular for wavelengths near absorption edges. The mu/Rho values used by PLATON/checkCIF for other wavelengths can be listed with the PLATON instruction 'ANOM wavelength'.
PLAT052 Type_1 Test for specification absorption correction method [0,1]
The treatment/method of absorption(correction) should be given explicitly. Set '_exptl_absorpt_correction_type' to 'none' when no correction is done. Other recognized values are 'psi-scan', 'empirical', 'multi-scan', 'refdelf', 'analytical', 'numerical', 'gaussian'.
PLAT053 Type_1 Test for specification xtal_dimension_min [0,1]
The smallest crystal dimension should be supplied in the CIF. The expected value should be a real number (i.e. not 0.35mm)
PLAT054 Type_1 Test for specification xtal_dimension_mid [0,1]
The medium crystal dimension should be supplied in the CIF. The expected value should be a real number (i.e. not 0.35mm)
PLAT055 Type_1 Test for specification xtal_dimension_max [0,1]
The largest crystal dimension should be supplied in the CIF. The expected value should be a real number (i.e. not 0.35mm)
PLAT056 Type_1 Test for specification xtal_radius [0,1]
Spherical correction for absorption is reported. The radius used is not supplied.
PLAT057 Type_3 Test for correction for absorption needed
You have indicated that an absorption correction has not been applied. ('_exptl_absorpt_correction_type' 'none'). However, the predicted values of Tmin & Tmax, based on the crystal dimensions given in the '.cif' file, are sufficiently unequal that absorption effects appear to be significant. Therefore, the application of a suitable absorption correction would appear to be required. Also check that the crystal dimensions given in the CIF do represent the actual crystal dimensions as closely as possible. Inaccuracies here can lead to a poor prediction of Tmin & Tmax and give rise to these alerts. It should normally be possible to estimate the crystal dimensions to 2 decimal places. Rough estimates to only 1 decimal place may be too inaccurate to provide reliable estimates of Tmin & Tmax.
PLAT058 Type_1 Test for specification Tmax [0,1]
The Maximum transmission factor should be specified in the case a correction for absorption was done. This is NOT the value that is calculated automatically with SHELXL when a SIZE instruction is given in the SHELXL instruction file. The values reported by SHELXL represent the EXPECTED correction range. Some correction packages (e.g. SADABS) will provide only one 'relative-correction-factor'. In such cases, Tmax should be given as Tmax-expected and Tmin = relative-correction-factor * Tmax.
PLAT059 Type_1 Test for specification Tmin [0,1]
The Minimum transmission factor should be specified in case a correction for absorption was done. This is NOT the value that is calculated automatically with SHELXL when a SIZE instruction is given in the SHELXL instruction file. The values reported by SHELXL represent the EXPECTED correction range. Some correction packages (e.g. SADABS) will provide only one 'relative-correction-factor'. In such cases, Tmax should be given as Tmax-expected and Tmin = relative-correction-factor * Tmax.
PLAT060 Type_4 RR test
see IUCR WEB-Pages
PLAT061 Type_4 RR' test
see IUCR WEB-Pages
PLAT062 Type_4 Rescale Tmin & Tmax
Some (empirical) correction packages (e.g. SADABS) will provide only one 'relative-correction-factor'. In such cases, Tmax should be given as Tmax-expected (as calculated from the crystal dimensions) and Tmin = relative-correction-factor * Tmax.
PLAT063 Type_4 Test for crystal size
Alert for crystals with at least one dimension probably too large for the homogeneous part of the X-ray beam when used for datacollection using crystal monochromated radiation. An exception will be datacollection using a beta-filter and a sufficiently large collimator. See also: C.H.Gorbitz (1999), Acta Cryst. B55, 1090-1098.
PLAT064 Type_1 Test reported transmissions for T(max) >= T(min)
Check that the values entered under '_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_min' and '_exptl_absorpt_correction_T_max' have not been reversed or if there is a typographical error for one of these two items.
PLAT065 Type_3 Test for applicability of (semi-)empirical absorption correction [0,1]
For high mu * mid values, numerical absorption correction procedures are recommended (either based on Gaussian integration or analytical) in case of homogeneous beam profiles and crystals small enough to fit within the homogeneous part of the X-ray beam. In case of in-homogeneous beams, a combination of numerical crystal face based correction and multi-scan correction is recommended.
PLAT066 Type_1 Test whether predicted and reported transmission ranges are identical
The predicted and reported transmission ranges are found to be identical which is not to be expected. CIF's generated with SHELXL97 report transmission ranges based on the crystal dimensions supplied on the SIZE card. Those values have nothing to do with the actual corrections for absorption as applied to the data: they just report the EXPECTED range. Some correction packages (e.g. SADABS) will provide only one 'relative-correction-factor'. In such cases, Tmax should be given as Tmax-expected and Tmin = relative-correction-factor * Tmax.
PLAT067 Type_1 Ensure that minimum dimension < maximum dimension
Minimum and Maximum dimensions are likely exchanged in the CIF.
PLAT068 Type_1 Test for an F000_calc/F000_reported value difference
In the ideal case, both data items should have the same value. If not, the reason should be clear. A reason might be that population parameter values are archived by SHELXL with only two decimals in the CIF. Note: SHELXL counts the number of electrons in the unit cell. The result will in general be an integer. This is also the number checked for here. The official definition calls for 'The effective number of electrons in the crystal unit cell contributing to F(000)'. It may contain dispersion contributions and is calculated as: F(000) = [ (sum f~r~)^2^ + (sum f~i~)^2^ ]^1/2^ f~r~ = real part of the scattering factors at theta = 0 f~i~ = imaginary part of the scattering factors at theta = 0
PLAT070 Type_1 Test for duplicate labels
The CIF contains duplicate labels posing interpretation problems for PLATON/CHECK. Derived geometry ALERTS may have their origin in this problem.
PLAT071 Type_1 Test for uninterpretable labels
The CIF contains labels posing problems for PLATON/CHECK. Example: label HN1 with no scattering type information supplied. Validation is aborted.
PLAT072 Type_2 Test for extreme first weighting parameter value (SHELXL)
The first parameter on the SHELXL weighting line and used in the refinement has an exceptionally large value. SHELXL will recommend 'WGHT 0.2 0.0' to be used in the next refinement when it judges that the refined weight parameters values to be excessive. This points to a likeable problem with the reflection data and/or the refinement model such as improper reflection s.u.'s or an unresolved problem such as missed twinning.
PLAT073 Type_1 Test for inconsistency 'constr' versus 'H-atoms refined'
The structure contains refined hydrogen atoms. However the data item '_refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment' has the value 'constr'. The value 'mixed' is more appropriate.
PLAT074 Type_1 Test for occupancy = 0.0 (dummy atoms)
The CIF contains an atom with occupancy less than 0.0001 Please check whether the zero occupancy specification is intended.
PLAT075 Type_1 Test for occupancy > 1.0
The CIF contains an atom with Occupancy greater than 1.0.
PLAT076 Type_1 Test for occupancy < 1.0 for atom on special position
The CIF contains an atom sitting on a special position with occupancy specified as less than 1.0. This is often an error and the result of the confusion of the notions 'occupancy' and 'population parameter'. The first should be 1.0 for a fully occupied site. The latter multiplies the site-symmetry with the occupancy. Thus, for a fully occupied site on a mirror plane the site-symmetry will be 0.5 * 1.0 = 0.5. Note: a wrong occupancy number will lead to an incorrect expected chemical formula.
PLAT077 Type_4 Test for non-integral # of atoms in unit cell
The unit cell contains a non-integer number of atoms of a given atom type. Valid reasons include partially occupied (solvent) sites and substitutional disorder.
PLAT078 Type_1 Test consistency 'geom'<->'no H-atoms' (_atom_sites_solution_hydrogens)
The structure contains no hydrogen atoms. However the data item _atom_sites_solution_hydrogens had the value 'geom'. This value is likely the SHELXL default and should be replaced by '.'.
PLAT079 Type_1 Test for inconsistency 'mixed' versus 'no H-atoms'
The structure contains no hydrogen atoms. However the data item '_refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment' has the value 'mixed'. This value is likely the SHELXL default and should be replaced by '.'.
PLAT080 Type_2 Test maximum shift/error value
Convergence of the refinement is proved with a close to zero shift/error value for all refined parameters. Such a convergence is easily achieved with a few additional refinement cycles at little cost. Note: Some SHELXL-97 versions do not allow for negative Flack parameter values. Convergence in such a case may be never reached because the Flack parameter value is reset to zero.
PLAT082 Type_2 Test for reasonable R1 value
A higher than usual R1 indicates either an insufficient model or poor quality data.
PLAT083 Type_2 Test for extreme second weighting parameter value (SHELXL)
The second parameter on the SHELXL weighting line has an exceptionally large value. This may indicate either improper reflection s.u.s or an unresolved problem such as missed twinning.
PLAT084 Type_3 Test for reasonable wR2 value
wR2 will in general have a value twice of that of R1 with refinement on F**2. Significantly larger values usually indicate a poor refinement model. Also check for unaccounted for twinning.
PLAT085 Type_2 Test for default SHELXL weighting scheme
The weighting scheme is found to be left at the SHELXL default. This default value is recommended for the preliminary structure refinement. It is uncommon that this unoptimized weight gives the best final refinement result.
PLAT086 Type_2 Test for reasonable S value (too Low)
The Goodness-of-Fit value S should in general be close to 1 at the end of a refinement with a proper weighting scheme. If not, there might be significant unresolved problems with the refinement model or reflection data.
PLAT087 Type_2 Test for reasonable S value (too High)
The Goodness-of-Fit value S should in general be close to 1 at the end of a refinement with a proper weighting scheme. If not, there might be significant unresolved problems with the refinement model or reflection data.
PLAT088 Type_3 Test for reasonable data / parameter ratio (centrosymmetric case)
The data/parameter ratio should in general be higher than 10 for a quality structure determination. This ratio can be improved by not refining C-H parameters other than riding on their carrier atom.
PLAT089 Type_3 Test for reasonable data / parameter ratio (non-centro) (Zmax < 18)
The data/parameter ratio should in general be higher than 7 for a quality determination of a structure containing atoms with Z less than 18. This ratio can be improved by not refining C-H parameters other than riding on their carrier atom. Note: The number of reflections used in this ratio is the number obtained by Laue group averaging.
PLAT090 Type_3 Test for reasonable data / parameter ratio (non-centro) (ZMAX > 18)
The data/parameter ratio should in general be higher than 8 for a quality determination for a structure containing heavy atoms with ZMAX greater than 18. This ratio can be improved by refining C-H Hydrogen atom parameters riding on their carrier atom. The number of reflections used in the calculation of this ratio is the Laue averaged number of reflections. The validation criteria used are expected to be met with a dataset complete with a resolution sin(theta)/lambda >= 0.6 Ang-1.
PLAT091 Type_1 Test for 'No-wavelength given'
No Wavelength specification found in the CIF.
PLAT092 Type_4 Test for wavelength type [Cu, Ga, Mo, Ag, In Ka]
The wavelength, specified in the CIF, is not CuKa = 1.5418A, GaKa = 1.3414A, MoKa = 0.71073A, AgKa = 0.56086A or InKa = 0.51359A radiation within a tolerance of 0.0005A. Valid exceptions are Kb, Neutron and Synchrotron data.
PLAT093 Type_1 Test for inconsistency 'mixed' versus 'no refined H positions'
The 'mixed' type Hydrogen atom refinement is reported (SHELXL-97 default). However, no Hydrogen atoms with freely refined positions are found in the CIF. Likely, the value 'constr' or 'refU' for '_refine_ls_hydrogen_treatment' will be more appropriate (e.g. when all Hydrogen atoms have been refined in the riding mode on their carrier atom).
PLAT094 Type_2 Test for maximum/minimum residual density ratio
The ratio of the maximum and minimum residual density excursions is unusual. This might indicate unaccounted for twinning or missing atoms (e.g. associated with disordered solvent).
PLAT095 Type_1 Test for residual density maximum given [0,1]
No residual electron density maximum given in CIF.
PLAT096 Type_1 Test for residual density minimum given [0,1]
No residual electron density minimum given in CIF.
PLAT097 Type_2 Test maximum residual density (reported)
A residual density maximum larger than expected is reported. This might be caused by residual absorption artefacts, unaccounted for twinning, disorder, wrongly assigned atom types, missing hydrogen atoms and other model errors.
PLAT098 Type_2 Test for minimum residual density (reported)
A residual density minimum larger than expected is reported. This might be caused by residual absorption artefacts, disorder, wrongly assigned atom types and other model errors.
PLAT099 Type_1 Test for minimum residual density greater zero [0, 1]
Likely interchanged maximum and minimum values. Alternatively, the minimum residual density has the (unlikely) value zero.
PLAT100 Type_5 Report non-integer reported Z-value in CIF
The norm is integer. The CIF-definition for '_cell_formula_units_Z' specifies Z values as 1 -> infinity. SHELXL may report in certain cases a real number (E.g. Z = 0.67). In such a case, check whether really more decimals are intended and edit accordingly, i.e. 0.67 => 0.66667.
PLAT104 Type_1 Test for additional translational symmetry [0, 1]
Check the reported crystal system against the reported space group. Alternatively, no crystal system was reported.
PLAT105 Type_1 Test for inconsistent reported wavelengths in CIF and .res file
The wavelengths reported in CIF file and in the CELL record of the embedded RES file should be identical. E.g. MoKa = 0.71073 in the CIF and CuKa = 1.5418 Ang. in the embedded '.res' file
PLAT107 Type_2 Test validity of inversion twinning operation
Inversion twinning is meaningless in centrosymmetric spacegroup.
PLAT108 Type_2 Test validity of the twinning operation
The SHELXL TWIN instruction matrix corresponds to a symmetry operation of the non-centrosymmetric Laue group of the crystal structure. This is not a valid twin operation.
PLAT109 Type_2 Test the twinning operation as alternate inversion twinning
The SHELXL TWIN instruction matrix corresponds to an inverted non-centrosymmetric pointgroup operation belonging to the corresponding centrosymmetric Laue group. The reported twinning factor is actually the Flack x value. The close to zero CIF reported Flack parameter value is meaningless. Please re-refine with the TWIN instruction replaced by 'TWIN' (i.e. without numerical data).
PLAT110 Type_2 Test for additional translational symmetry [0, 1] (ADDSYM)
Tests for missed symmetry are done with ADDSYM, an extended MISSYM (C) clone. These tests warn for missed or possible higher (pseudo) symmetry in the structural model (i.e. based on the coordinate data). Close examination of the situation at hand is indicated in order to prove/disprove the issue (usually in combination with the reflection data). Report on potential (pseudo/real) lattice centering or cell halving. Note: H-atoms and disordered atoms are not taken into account in the tests.
PLAT111 Type_2 Test for additional centre of symmetry [0, 100] (ADDSYM)
Tests for missed symmetry are done with ADDSYM, an extended MISSYM (C) clone. These tests warn for missed or possible higher (pseudo) symmetry in the structural model (i.e. based on the coordinate data). Close examination of the situation at hand with PLATON/ADDSYM is indicated in order to prove/ disprove the issue (usually in combination with the reflection data). This ALERT reports on a potential additional (pseudo/real) inversion centre. A pseudo-centre may be incompatible with existing symmetry elements. Chiral molecules are incompatible with an inversion centre. Note: H-atoms and disordered atoms are not taken into account in the test.
PLAT112 Type_2 Test for additional symmetry [0, 1] (ADDSYM)
Tests for missed symmetry are done with ADDSYM, an extended MISSYM (C) clone. These tests warn for missed or possible higher (pseudo) symmetry in the structural model (i.e. based on the coordinate data). Close examination of the situation at hand is indicated in order to prove/disprove the issue (usually in combination with the reflection data). This ALERT reports on potential additional (pseudo/real) rotation axes and mirrors. In addition, (pseudo/real) lattice centering/translations are reported as A, B, C, I, X, Y, Z, S. (Here S stands for special and not covered by the preceding types). Full details on the situation at hand should be gleaned from an actual PLATON/ADDSYM run. Note: Atom types are treated in this test as EQUAL for structures with less than 250 atoms in the asymmetric unit in order to detect cases of misassigned atom types. Chiral molecules are incompatible with an inversion centre or (glide)planes. Note: H-atoms and disordered atoms are not taken into account in the tests.
PLAT113 Type_2 Report New space-group suggested by ADDSYM
Tests for missed symmetry are done with ADDSYM, an extended MISSYM (C) clone. These tests warn for missed or possible higher (pseudo) symmetry in the structural model (i.e. based on the coordinate data). Close examination of the situation at hand is indicated in order to prove/disprove the issue (usually in combination with the reflection data). Chiral molecules are incompatible with an inversion centre or (glide)planes. For an example of reported pseudo-symmetry see I.A.Guzei et al, (2002). Acta Cryst. C58, m141-m143. Note: H-atoms and disordered atoms (i.e. atoms with population less than 1.0) are not taken into account in the tests. This may artificially lead to a symmetry higher than the actual one. Note: Atoms are treated as having the same atom type in order to catch certain types of disorder or incorrect atom type assignment.
PLAT114 Type_2 Report on ADDSYM problem
ADDSYM has problems to reconstruct a space group from the symmetry operation found in the symmetry expanded coordinate set. The reason being either intricate additionally detected pseudo-symmetry or serious errors in the data set.
PLAT115 Type_5 Test for non-crystallographic centre of symmetry [0, 100]
Tests for missed symmetry are done with ADDSYM, an expanded MISSYM (C) clone. This ALERT reports on local inversion symmetry, not compatible with the reported space-group symmetry. Note: H-atoms and disordered atoms are not taken into account in the test.
PLAT116 Type_2 Report implemented (pseudo) lattice translation
A (Pseudo) Lattice translation was detected and implemented before the current ADDSYM analysis.
PLAT119 Type_1 Report problem with symmetry operation syntax
A symmetry operation should be specified in the CIF either without spaces or between quotes.
PLAT120 Type_1 Test for consistent _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M and Symm Opp
Space group symmetry should be provided in the CIF both explicitly with a '_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz' loop and implicitly with '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M'. An unusual (non-standard) choice of origin may also raise this ALERT. Please check and Explain.
PLAT121 Type_1 Test for valid _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M (+ aliases)
Symmetry in the CIF should be provided both explicitly with a '_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz' loop and implicitly with '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M'. Test for valid '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M' symbol.
PLAT122 Type_1 Test for ? _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M
Symmetry in the CIF should be provided both explicitly with a _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz loop and implicitly with _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M. Test for missing (i.e. ?) '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M' symbol.
PLAT123 Type_1 Test for interpretable space-group symmetry
Symmetry in the CIF should be provided in the CIF both explicitly with a '_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz' loop and implicitly with '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M' or '_space_group_name_H-M_alt'. Test for uninterpretable or inconsistent space group information.
PLAT124 Type_1 Test for _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz present
Symmetry in the CIF should be provided in the CIF both explicitly with a '_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz' loop and implicitly with '_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M'. Test for uninterpretable or absent explicit symmetry records.
PLAT125 Type_4 Test for ? _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall
Optionally specify the Hall symbol. The Hall symbol provides an unambiguous definition of the space-group symmetry where the Hermann- Mauguin symbol leaves room for alternative choices of the origin. E.g. for space-group P21, the screw axis is in general taken to coincide with the b-axis. However, sometimes it is chosen to be shifted by 1/4 in the c-axis direction to bring out the relation with P21/c. The Hall symbols will be 'P 2yb' and 'P 2ybc' respectively. Refer to: S.R.Hall, Space Group Notation with an Explicit Origin; Acta Cryst. (1981), A37, 517-525. or:
PLAT126 Type_1 Test for _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall error
The reported Hall-symbol is found to be in error or uninterpretable. Refer to: S.R.Hall, Space Group Notation with an Explicit Origin; Acta Cryst. (1981), A37, 517-525. or:
PLAT127 Type_1 Test for _symmetry_space_group_name_Hall consistency
The reported Hall-symbol is not identical to the one internally tabulated for the space group as derived from the explicitly supplied symmetry operations. As an example, the Hall symbols '-P 2yn' and '-P 2yabc' both correspond with space group 'P21/n'. Alternatively, no Hall-symbol could be derived by PLATON for the explicit set of symmetry operations. This may be the case when an unusual origin is chosen. Refer to: S.R.Hall, Space Group Notation with an Explicit Origin; Acta Cryst. (1981), A37, 517-525. or:
PLAT128 Type_4 Test for non-standard space_group settings
P21/n and I2/a etc. settings are often preferred over P21/c and C2/c when that leads to a closer to 90 degrees beta angle. Standard choice of origin is to be preferred. A non-standard origin choice might be useful for for the comparison of related structures.
PLAT129 Type_4 Test for unusual non-standard Space group name
The reported space-group name is unusual.
PLAT130 Type_1 Test for cubic: a = b = c
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT131 Type_1 Test for cubic: alpha = beta = gamma = 90
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT132 Type_1 Test for trigonal/hexagonal : a = b
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT133 Type_1 Test for trigonal/hexagonal : alpha = beta = 90
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT134 Type_1 Test for trigonal/hexagonal : gamma = 120
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT135 Type_1 Test for tetragonal: a = b
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT136 Type_1 Test for tetragonal: alpha = beta = gamma = 90
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT137 Type_1 Test for orthorhombic: alpha = beta = gamma = 90
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT138 Type_1 Test for monoclinic more than 1 angle off 90 degrees
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT139 Type_1 Test for rhombohedral a = b = c
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT140 Type_1 Test for rhombohedral alpha = beta = gamma
Symmetry constraints on cell dimensions are checked.
PLAT141 Type_4 s.u. on a - axis small or missing
The s.u. on the a-axis is small or missing. The presence of s.u.'s (where required) and value are checked. S.u.'s as given by the diffractometer software are often much smaller than realistic.
PLAT142 Type_4 s.u. on b - axis small or missing
The s.u. on the b-axis is small or missing. The presence of s.u.'s (where required) and value are checked. Su's as given by the diffractometer software are often much smaller than realistic.
PLAT143 Type_4 s.u. on c - axis small or missing
The s.u. on the c-axis is small or missing. The presence of s.u.'s (where required) and value are checked. Su's as given by the diffractometer software are often much smaller than realistic.
PLAT144 Type_4 s.u. on alpha small or missing
The s.u. on alpha is small or missing. The presence of s.u.'s (where required) and value are checked. Su's as given by the diffractometer software are often much smaller than realistic.
PLAT145 Type_4 s.u. on beta small or missing
The s.u. on beta is small or missing. The presence of s.u.'s (where required) and value are checked. Su's as given by the diffractometer software are often much smaller than realistic.
PLAT146 Type_4 s.u. on gamma small or missing
The s.u. on gamma is small or missing. The presence of s.u.'s (where required) and value are checked. Su's as given by the diffractometer software are often much smaller than realistic.
PLAT147 Type_1 s.u. on symmetry restricted cell angle
There should be no s.u. on symmetry constrained cell angles. Example: No s.u. on alpha, beta and gamma for orthorhombic symmetry.
PLAT148 Type_3 s.u. on a,b, or c - axis too large
The s.u. on the reported -axis is unexpectedly large.
PLAT149 Type_3 s.u. on alpha, beta or gamma unit cell angles too large
The s.u. on the reported angle is too large.
PLAT150 Type_1 Check reported unit cell Volume value against the calculated value
An ALERT is issued when the reported unit cell volume differs significantly from the volume calculated on the basis of the supplied cell dimensions.
PLAT151 Type_1 Check the reported s.u. on the unit cell volume
Missing s.u. on cell volume.
PLAT152 Type_1 Check for consistency of s.u. on volume and cell parameters
Some software packages calculate Volume s.u.'s incorrectly. The correct formula for triclinic, monoclinic and orthorhombic systems (based on the propagation of error expression) may be found in: M. Nardelli, Computer & Chemistry, (1983), 7, 95-98. or C. Giacovazzo ed. in 'Fundamentals of Crystallography', Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2003, p135. Also note that several cell parameters for higher symmetry cells are no longer independent. S.u. calculations need special treatment in those cases.
PLAT153 Type_1 test for equal axial s.u.'s
The reported cell axes s.u.'s are reported equal. Please check whether this is correct or a software default value.
PLAT154 Type_1 test for equal cell angle s.u.'s
The reported cell angle s.u.'s are reported equal. Please check whether this is correct or a software default value.
PLAT155 Type_4 Check for reduced cell aP
Unless for special reasons related to the structure/content, a unit cell and structure is best reported with reference to the Niggli Reduced Cell. This ALERT may originate also from a failure to order the axes from small to large dimension.
PLAT156 Type_4 Check for non-standard axial order
The axial order should be from small to large in the triclinic cell.
PLAT157 Type_4 Check for non-standard monoclinic beta angle < 90 Degrees.
By convention, the Monoclinic beta angle is always chosen to be larger than 90.0 Degrees. A trivial transformation (1 0 0/0 -1 0/0 0 -1) should be applied to the data.
PLAT158 Type_4 Check for standard reduced cell
Unless for special reasons related to the structure/content, a unit cell and structure is best reported with reference to the Niggli Reduced Cell.
PLAT161 Type_4 Missing x-coordinate s.u.
Missing or Zero s.u. (esd) on x-coordinate. Positional parameters for all non-hydrogen atoms in general positions are checked for the presence of a non-zero s.u. on them. This includes parameters fixed to fix the origin in polar space-groups which is no longer necessary when refinement is done with modern programs (e.g. SHELXL, XTAL).
PLAT162 Type_4 Missing y-coordinate s.u.
Missing or Zero s.u. (esd) on y-coordinate. Positional parameters for all non-hydrogen atoms in general positions are checked for the presence of a non-zero s.u. on them. This includes parameters fixed to fix the origin in polar space-groups (e.g. P21) which is no longer necessary when refinement is done with modern programs (e.g. SHELXL, XTAL).
PLAT163 Type_4 Missing z-coordinate s.u.
Missing or Zero s.u. (esd) on z-coordinate. Positional parameters for all non-hydrogen atoms in general positions are checked for the presence of a non-zero s.u. on them. This includes parameters fixed to fix the origin in polar space-groups (e.g. P41) which is no longer necessary when refinement is done with modern programs (e.g. SHELXL, XTAL).
PLAT164 Type_4 Check for refined C-H H-atoms
Warning: Refined C-H H-atoms in heavy-atom structure (i.e. containing an element beyond element #18). Such H-atoms are in general better refined at calculated positions riding on the atoms they are attached to. A better data over parameter ratio will be achieved.
PLAT165 Type_3 Check for R-flagged non-H-atoms
Report on restrained (riding) Non-Hydrogen atoms. Note: This may lead to non meaningful bond and angle s.u.'s (ALERTS _751, _752). R-flagged atoms may arise unintentional being caused by an "AFIX 0" line being missing in a shelxl.ins file (SHELXL-97 refinement). Alternatively, the number of refined parameters may have been limited deliberately (e.g. by refinement of C-F with fixed known geometry, similar to C-H) in order to keep the data/parameter ratio acceptable.
PLAT166 Type_4 Check for calc flagged atoms with s.u.'s on coordinates
Calc-flagged atoms are not supposed to carry s.u.'s on their coordinates.
PLAT167 Type_3 Test DANG restraint value in CIF-embedded .res file
SHELXL applies a default effective standard deviation value of 0.04 Ang for the DANG restraints. The use of a much stronger restraint, with a lower value of those parameters, may hide serious problems with a structure.
PLAT168 Type_4 Check for EXYZ record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of EXYZ record(s) in the SHELXL .res file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication.
PLAT169 Type_4 Check for AFIX 1 record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of 'AFIX 1' record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication.
PLAT170 Type_4 Check for sufficient data in the atom data loop
Insufficient data encountered in the coordinate loop. A possible cause might be the use of a SHELX style '=' continuation line.
PLAT171 Type_4 Check for EADP record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of EADP record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication.
PLAT172 Type_4 Check for DFIX record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of DFIX record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication. The associated geometry details may be less informative.
PLAT173 Type_4 Check for DANG record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of DANG record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication. The associated geometry details may be less informative.
PLAT174 Type_4 Check for FLAT record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of FLAT record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication. The associated geometry details may be less informative.
PLAT175 Type_4 Check for SAME record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of SAME record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication. The associated geometry details may be less informative.
PLAT176 Type_4 Check for SADI record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of SADI record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication. The associated geometry details may be less informative.
PLAT177 Type_4 Check for DELU record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of DELU record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication.
PLAT178 Type_4 Check for SIMU record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of SIMU record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication.
PLAT179 Type_4 Check for CHIV record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of CHIV record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication.
PLAT180 Type_4 Check rounding of cell axes and angles
It is unusual that more cell parameters end with a zero and the s.u. is 10. This problem might be caused by the specification of insufficient 'meaningful' digits as compared to the reported s.u. See also: W.Clegg, Acta Cryst. (2003) E59, e2-e5.
PLAT181 Type_1 Check for all angles exactly 90 degrees in monoclinic
One of the angles in a monoclinic cell is expected to be not exactly 90 degrees.
PLAT182 Type_1 Check for at least one s.u. greater than zero in monoclinic
One angle should have an s.u. greater than zero in a monoclinic cell.
PLAT183 Type_1 Check for _cell_measurement_reflns_used value reported
Please supply the value for '_cell_measurement_reflns_used'.
PLAT184 Type_1 Check for _cell_measurement_theta_min value reported
Please supply the value for '_cell_measurement_theta_min'.
PLAT185 Type_1 Check for _cell_measurement_theta_max value reported
Please supply the value for _cell_measurement_theta_max.
PLAT186 Type_4 Check for ISOR record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of ISOR record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication.
PLAT187 Type_4 Check for RIGU record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
The use of RIGU record(s) in the SHELXL '.res' file should be documented in the experimental section of the associated publication.
PLAT188 Type_3 Test SIMU restraint value in CIF-embedded .res file
SHELXL applies a default effective standard deviation value of 0.04 for the SIMU restraint. The use of a much stronger restraint with a lower value of that parameter may hide serious problems with a structure such as wrong atom type assignments.
PLAT189 Type_3 Test SAME restraint value in CIF-embedded .res file
SHELXL applies a default effective standard deviation value of 0.02 Ang for the SAME 1,2 or 1,3 bond restraints. The use of a much stronger restraint, with a lower value of those parameters, may hide serious problems with a structure.
PLAT190 Type_3 Test RIGU restraint value in CIF-embedded .res file
SHELXL applies a default effective standard deviation value of 0.004 for the RIGU restraint. The use of a much stronger restraint with a lower value of that parameter may hide serious problems with a structure such as wrong atom type assignments.
PLAT191 Type_3 Test SADI restraint value in CIF-embedded .res file
SHELXL applies a default effective standard deviation value of 0.02 Ang for the SADI bond restraints. The use of a much stronger restraint, with a lower value of those parameters, may hide serious problems with a structure.
PLAT192 Type_3 Test DELU restraint value in CIF-embedded .res file
SHELXL applies a default effective standard deviation value of 0.01 Ang for the DELU restraints. The use of a much stronger restraint, with a lower value of those parameters, may hide serious problems with a structure.
PLAT193 Type_1 Test for consistency of cell & diffraction temperatures
The reported '_cell_measurement_temperature' deviates from the reported '_diffrn_ambient_temperature value'. The relevant set of cell parameter values are those at the datacollection temperature (i.e. ambient temperature at the crystal) because the derived geometry parameter values will be correct and meaningful only when those cell parameter values are used. When relevant, cell parameter values at temperatures differing from the '_diffrn_ambient_temperature' are best archived as comment value under _cell_special_details.
PLAT194 Type_3 Report on non-default DEFS restraint values in CIF-embedded .res file
Non-default DEFS parameter values in CIF-Embedded .res file. See SHELXL manual.
PLAT195 Type_3 Test DFIX restraint value in CIF-embedded .res file
SHELXL applies a default effective standard deviation value of 0.02 Ang for the DFIX restraints. The use of a much stronger restraint, with a lower value of those parameters, may hide serious problems with a structure.
PLAT196 Type_1 Test for _cell_measurement_temperature not equal 293K and no TEMP record
SHELXL places Hydrogen atoms at calculated positions with default distance values to their parent atoms depending on the temperature reported in the TEMP record. When the TEMP record is absent in the embedded '.res' file a default temperature of 293K is assumed. An ALERT is issued when the CIF reported '_cell_measurement_temperature' differs from 293K.
PLAT197 Type_1 Test for specification of unit cell _cell_measurement_temperature
Please specify the temperature (kelvin) at which the unit cell parameters were determined. That temperature should be generally identical to the temperature value specified with '_diffrn_ambient_temperature' (the temperature of the crystal during data-collection) in order to make sense when used in the calculation of derived geometry parameter values (i.e. bond distances, bond angles etc.).
PLAT198 Type_1 Test for specification of datacollection temperature
Please specify the temperature (kelvin) at which the intensity data were collected. The reported cell parameter values should be those at this temperature to make sense of the derived geometry parameter values.
PLAT199 Type_1 Test SHELXL roomtemperature default value for unit cell determination
The cell determination temperature is set in the CIF by default by SHELXL97 to 293 K when the TEMP instruction is not used. The actual temperature is likely either slightly or significantly (in case of a low temperature data collection) different. A likely erroneous temperature of 273K (0C) is also flagged.
PLAT200 Type_1 Test for SHELXL roomtemperature Default (datacollection)
The data collection temperature is set in the CIF by default by SHELXL97 to 293 K if the TEMP instruction is not used. A likely erroneous temperature of 273K (0C) is also flagged. The actual temperature is likely either slightly or significantly (for a low temperature data collection) different.
PLAT201 Type_2 Test for isotropic non-H atoms in main residue(s)
This test reports on non-hydrogen atoms that were refined with isotropic displacement parameters only in the main residue. Such a practice is unusual by modern standards and only needed for minor disorder modelling.
PLAT202 Type_3 Test for isotropic non-H atoms in anion ? or solvent ?
This test reports on isotropically refined atoms in small moieties (usually anions or solvent).
PLAT203 Type_2 Test for negative non-hydrogen U(iso)
Isotropic U(iso) values are expected to have a positive value.
PLAT210 Type_3 Test for 'all-isotropic adp(s)
No anisotropically refined atoms in CIF ?
PLAT211 Type_2 Test for NPD ADP's (1.0) in main residue(s)
This test reports on non-positive definite (i.e. complex and unrealistic) anisotropic displacement parameters in the main residue.
PLAT212 Type_2 Test for NPD ADP's in anion? & solvent ? [0, 1]
This test reports on non-positive definite (i.e. complex and unrealistic) anisotropic displacement parameters in an anion or solvent residue.
PLAT213 Type_2 Test ratio adp max/min in main residue(s)
The main axes values of the ADP(S) of the main residue(s) are determined and ordered: U1 < U2 < U3. The value of SQRT(U3/U1) main axis ADP ratio (Angstrom Units) is tested for the main residue(s). Large values may indicate unresolved disorder. Oblate criterium: U3 - U2 < U2 - U1. Prolate otherwise.
PLAT214 Type_2 Test ratio adp max/min in anion ? or solvent ?
The main axes values of the ADP(S) of the minor residue(s) are determined and ordered: U1 < U2 < U3. The value of SQRT(U3/U1) main axis ADP ratio (Angstrom Units) is tested for the main residue(s). Large values may indicate unresolved disorder. Oblate criterium: U3 - U2 < U2 - U1. Prolate otherwise.
PLAT215 Type_3 Test for unusual disordered atom ADP in main residue
The maximum and minimum main axis ADP ratio (Angstrom Units) is tested for the main residue. Large values may indicate unresolved disorder.
PLAT216 Type_3 Test for unusual disordered atom ADP in minor residue
The maximum and minimum main axis ADP ratio (Angstrom Units) is tested for the minor residue(s). Large values may indicate unresolved disorder.
PLAT217 Type_1 Test for incomplete U(i,j) data
Check & Correct U(aniso) data for completeness etc. Do not use SHELX style '=' continuation line.
PLAT218 Type_3 Test for constrained U(i,j)'s
U(i,j) components have been constrained (i.e. without s.u.) in the refinement
PLAT220 Type_2 Test Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min) range for non-H atoms in non-solvent
This test reports on a larger than usual U(eq) range for the specified element type in the non-solvent/anion part of the structure. Too high or too low Ueq's may be an indication for incorrectly identified atomic species (i.e. O versus N).
PLAT221 Type_2 Test Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min) range for non-H atoms in solvent
This test reports on a larger than usual U(eq) range for the non-hydrogen atoms solvent/anion. Too high or too low Ueq's may be an indication for incorrectly identified atomic species (i.e. Br versus Ag).
PLAT222 Type_3 Test Uiso(max)/Uiso(Min) range for H atoms in non-solvent
This test reports on a larger than usual range of U(eq) values for hydrogen atoms in the non-solvent/anion part of the structure. Possible causes are: 1 - disorder, e.g. in t-butyl moieties. 2 - poor data, not adequate for the refinement of individual displacement parameters. 3 - Misplaced hydrogen atoms (i.e. there is no density at the position where one of the H-atoms is positioned).
PLAT223 Type_4 Test Ueq(max)/Ueq(Min) range for H atoms in solvent
This test reports on large ranges in displacement parameters for hydrogen atoms in the solvent/anion part of the structure.
PLAT224 Type_1 Test for difference in implicit and explicit U(eq)
This test reports on a large difference between Ueq in the CIF and the Ueq calculated from the 6 reported U(i,j) values. .
PLAT230 Type_2 Hirshfeld rigid-bond test [Acta Cryst. (1976), A32, 239-244]
The components of the anisotropic displacement parameters along chemical bonds are assumed to be equal in magnitude. Large differences might indicate contamination of these parameters with other (unresolved) effects such as (substitutional) disorder, model or data errors and/or over-refinement. Atomic sites assigned the wrong scattering type (e.g. Ag versus Br) should generate 'problem signals' with this test. Data sets corrected for absorption effects with DELREF techniques (e.g. DIFABS, SHELXA, XABS2) often show large DELU values for bonds involving the heaviest atom. Note: The original 'Hirshfeld-test' was defined in absolute terms (see F.L.Hirshfeld, Acta Cryst. (1976). A32, 239-244). The current test is with reference to the associated standard uncertainty.
PLAT231 Type_4 Hirshfeld rigid-bond test (Solvent) [Acta Cryst. (1976),A32,239-244]
The components of the anisotropic displacement parameters along chemical bonds are assumed to be equal in magnitude. Large differences might indicate the contamination of these parameters with other (unresolved) effects such as (substitutional) disorder, model or data errors and/or over-refinement. Atomic sites assigned the wrong scattering type (e.g. Ag versus Br) should generate 'problem signals' with this test. Data sets corrected for absorption effects with DELREF techniques (e.g. DIFABS, SHELXA, XABS2) often show large DELU values for bonds involving the heaviest atom. Note: The original 'Hirshfeld-test' was defined in absolute terms (see F.L.Hirshfeld, Acta Cryst. (1976). A32, 239-244). The current test is with reference to the associated standard uncertainty.
PLAT232 Type_2 Hirshfeld rigid-bond test (M-X) [Acta Cryst. (1976),A32,239-244]
The components of the anisotropic displacement parameters along chemical bonds are assumed to be equal in magnitude. Large differences might indicate contamination of these parameters with other (unresolved) effects such as (substitutional) disorder, model or data errors and/or over-refinement. Atomic sites assigned the wrong scattering type (e.g. Ag versus Br) should generate 'problem signals' with this test. Data sets corrected for absorption effects with DELREF techniques (e.g. DIFABS, SHELXA, XABS2) often show large DELU values for bonds involving the heaviest atom. A special case are M-C=O type of systems that generally show significant differences for the M-C bond. See D.Braga & T.F. Koetzle (1988), Acta Cryst. B44, 151-155). Note: The original 'Hirshfeld-test' was defined in absolute terms (see F.L.Hirshfeld, Acta Cryst. (1976). A32, 239-244). The current test is with reference to the associated standard uncertainty. Note: The 'Hirshfeld-test' ALERTS are suppressed for polymeric or disordered structures.
PLAT233 Type_4 Hirshfeld rigid-bond test (M-X solvent) [Acta Cryst. (1976),A32,239-244]
The components of the anisotropic displacement parameters along chemical bonds are assumed to be equal in magnitude. Large differences might indicate contamination of these parameters with other (unresolved) effects such as (substitutional) disorder, model or data errors and/or over-refinement. Atomic sites assigned the wrong scattering type (e.g. Ag versus Br) should generate 'problem signals' with this test. Data sets corrected for absorption effects with DELREF techniques (e.g. DIFABS, SHELXA, XABS2) often show large DELU values for bonds involving the heaviest atom. Note: The original 'Hirshfeld-test' was defined in absolute terms (see F.L.Hirshfeld, Acta Cryst. (1976). A32, 239-244). The current test is with reference to the associated standard uncertainty.
PLAT234 Type_4 Hirshfeld rigid-bond test [Acta Cryst. (1976),A32,239-244]
The components of the anisotropic displacement parameters along chemical bonds are assumed to be equal in magnitude. Large differences might indicate contamination of these parameters with other (unresolved) effects such as (substitutional) disorder, model or data errors and/or over-refinement. Atomic sites assigned the wrong scattering type (e.g. Ag versus Br) should generate 'problem signals' with this test. Data sets corrected for absorption effects with DELREF techniques (e.g. DIFABS, SHELXA, XABS2) often show large DELU values for bonds involving the heaviest atom. Note: The original 'Hirshfeld-test' was defined in absolute terms (see F.L. Hirshfeld, Acta Cryst. (1976). A32, 239-244).
PLAT241 Type_2 Test for unusually high U(eq) as compared with bonded neighbours
The U(eq) value of an atom is compared with the average U(eq) for to non-hydrogen atoms bonded to it. Large differences may indicate that the wrong atom type was assigned (e.g. N instead of O).
PLAT242 Type_2 Test for Unusually Low U(eq) as compared with bonded neighbours
The U(eq) value of an atom is compared with the average U(eq) for non-hydrogen atoms bonded to it. Large differences may indicate that the wrong atom type was assigned (e.g. N instead of O). False alarms may occur for terminal groups such as the t-butyl moiety.
PLAT243 Type_4 Test for unusually high solvent U(eq) as compared with bonded neighbours
The U(eq) value of an atom in the solvent or ion is compared with the average U(eq) for non-hydrogen atoms bonded to it. Large differences may indicate that the wrong atom type was assigned (e.g. N instead of O).
PLAT244 Type_4 Test for unusually low solvent U(eq) as compared with bonded neighbours
The U(eq) value of an atom in the solvent or ion is compared with the average U(eq) for non-hydrogen atoms bonded to it. Large differences may indicate that the wrong atom type was assigned (e.g. N instead of O). False alarms may occur for terminal groups such as the t-butyl moiety.
PLAT245 Type_2 Test for unusually low H-U(eq) as compared with bonded atom
U(iso) of a hydrogen atom is generally expected to be greater than the U(eq) of the non-hydrogen atom it is attached to.
PLAT250 Type_2 Test for unusual anisotropic average U(i,j)
An average value of the U(i,j) tensor of the asymmetric unit of a residue is calculated. An ALERT is generated when the corresponding main axis U3/U1 ratio deviates significantly from 1.0. Large values of this ratio should be taken as an indication of possible systematic errors in the data or errors in the model. Visual inspection of an ORTEP plot will show that many displacement ellipsoids have their major axis pointing in the same direction.
PLAT260 Type_2 Test for high average Ueq for residue
A large average Ueq value for a residue may indicate refinement with a too high (possibly fixed) population parameter value.
PLAT299 Type_4 Test for fixed partial occupancy sites
This site is expected to be fully occupied but has been constrained (e.g. with a SHELXL FVAR variable) or fixed at a value less than 1.0. Please check for incomplete (substitutional) disorder handling.
PLAT300 Type_4 Test for fixed partial occupancy
This site is expected to be fully occupied but has been constrained (e.g. with a SHELXL FVAR variable) or fixed at a value less than 1.0. Please check for incomplete (substitutional) disorder handling.
PLAT301 Type_3 Test for main residue(s) disorder %
Atom sites that are not fully occupied are counted. A large fraction of disordered atoms may be both a signal for serious structure analysis problems or less reliable/interesting results.
PLAT302 Type_4 Test for (anion/solvent) disorder %
Atom sites that are not fully occupied are counted.
PLAT303 Type_2 Test for more than 1 connection to H-atoms
Hydrogen atoms are generally connected to only one other atom. A hydrogen atom between two oxygen atoms is a special case. Investigate whether this hydrogen atom is better described with a disorder model with two partially occupied sites. A difference map might show a double-well density.
PLAT304 Type_4 Test for non-integer number of atoms in residue
A non-integer number of atoms has been found in a residue.
PLAT305 Type_2 Test for isolated H-atoms
This test reports on hydrogen atoms that are not on bonding distance to any atom. This ALERT may indicate that the hydrogen atom refined to a non-bonding position or needs a symmetry operation to bring it to bonding distance. It also may indicate a problem with incompatible population parameters (e.g. C - H with population 0.8 and 0.9 respectively).
PLAT306 Type_2 Test for isolated oxygen atoms
This test reports on oxygen atoms that are not within bonding distance to any other atom in the structure. A common reason may be that no hydrogen atoms are given for a water molecule. Attempts should be made to locate those hydrogen atoms from a difference map.
PLAT307 Type_2 Test for isolated metal atoms
This test reports on metal atoms that are not bonded or at coordination distance of other atoms. Isolated ions are very unusual (or non-existent ?)
PLAT308 Type_2 Test for single bonded metal atoms
This test reports on single bonded (coordinated) metal atoms/ions. This represents a very unusual situation. There are literature examples where such a 'single bonded metal' was shown to be a halogen.
PLAT309 Type_2 Test for single bonded oxygen atoms
Single bonded Oxygen with C-O > 1.3 Angstrom. Missing H-Atom ? Check
PLAT310 Type_2 Test for 'too close' (symmetry related) full weight atoms
This test identifies (very) short contacts between atoms that only becomes apparent after the application of symmetry on the primary coordinate set.
PLAT311 Type_2 Test for isolated disordered Oxygen Atoms
This test reports on oxygen atoms (not full weight) that are not within bonding distance to any other atom in the structure. A common reason may be that no hydrogen atoms are given for a water molecule.
PLAT312 Type_2 Test for C=O-H geometry
Strange C-O-H geometry with C-O < 1.25 Angstrom detected. Misplaced H-Atom ?
PLAT313 Type_2 Test for Oxygen with three covalent bonds
Oxygen atom with three covalent bonds detected. Check for correct atom type assignment (e.g. N rather than O) Note: Exceptions are H3O+ (Oximium or Hydroxonium) and H5O2+ (Hydronium or aqua-hydroxonium) species.
PLAT314 Type_2 Test for metal-O-H angle of H2O
A water molecule coordinated to a metal is detected with an unusually small value of the Metal-Oxygen-Hydrogen Angle.
PLAT315 Type_2 Test for single bonded carbon atom
Check for missing H-atoms.
PLAT316 Type_2 Check for too many H's on C in C=N bond in main residue(s)
An sp3 hybridized C was detected as part of a C=N moiety. Only one attached H atom in sp2 configuration is expected and not two. In SHELXL terms this corresponds with an erroneous AFIX 23 rather than an AFIX 43 type of H atom position generation and refinement.
PLAT317 Type_2 Check for too many H's on C in C=N bond in solvent/ion (s)
An sp3 hybridized C was detected as part of a C=N moiety. Only one attached H atom in sp2 configuration is expected and not two. In SHELXL terms this corresponds with an erroneous AFIX 23 rather than an AFIX 43 type of H atom position generation and refinement.
PLAT318 Type_2 Hybridisation problem on N in main residue(s)
The test attempts to assign one of three hybridisations to N atoms in main residue: sp, sp2 or sp3 on the basis of the angles around N. This ALERT may indicate a mis-assigned H atom position (e.g. an atom placed in a sp2 position instead of sp3).
PLAT319 Type_2 Hybridisation problem on N in solvent/ion
The test attempts to assign one of three hybridisations to N atoms in main residue: sp, sp2 or sp3 on the basis of the angles around N. This ALERT may indicate a mis-assigned H atom position (e.g. an atom placed in a sp2 position instead of sp3).
PLAT320 Type_2 Hybridisation problem on C in main residue(s)
The test attempts to assign one of three hybridisations to C atoms in main residue: sp, sp2 or sp3 on the basis of the angles around C. In this way, missing H atoms or too many H-atoms on a carbon atom should be detected.
PLAT321 Type_2 Hybridisation problem on C in solvent/ion
The test attempts to assign one of three hybridisations to C atoms in solven/anion: sp, sp2 or sp3 on the basis of the angles around C. In this way missing H atoms or too many H-atoms on a carbon atom should be detected.
PLAT322 Type_2 Hybridisation problem on non-C in main residue(s)
The test attempts to assign one of three hybridisations to a non-C atom in the main residue: sp, sp2 or sp3 on the basis of the angles around the non-C atom. In this way, missing H atoms or too many H-atoms should be detected.
PLAT323 Type_2 Hybridisation problem on non-C in solvent/ion
The test attempts to assign one of three hybridisations to a non-C atom in the solvent/anion: sp, sp2 or sp3 on the basis of the angles around the non-C atom. In this way, missing H atoms or too many H-atoms should be detected.
PLAT324 Type_2 Check for possibly missing H on coordinating X-N-X in main residue
Check for possibly missing Hydrogen atom on Nitrogen coordinating to a metal in the main residue.
PLAT325 Type_2 Check for possibly missing H on coordinating X-N-X in solvent/anion
Check for possibly missing Hydrogen atom on Nitrogen coordinating to a metal in the solvent/anion.
PLAT326 Type_2 Check for possibly missing H on potentially sp3 Carbon
Check for possibly missing Hydrogen atom on Carbon with sp3-like geometry in the main residue.
PLAT327 Type_2 Check for possibly missing H on potentially sp3 Carbon
Check for possibly missing Hydrogen atom on Carbon with sp3-like geometry in the solvent/anion.
PLAT328 Type_4 Check for a possibly missing H on potentially sp3 phosphorus
Check for a possibly missing Hydrogen atom on Phosphorus with sp3-like geometry.
PLAT329 Type_4 Check for unclear carbon atom hybridisation
The hybridisation of this calbon atom could not be established from the number of substituents and their geometry. Check for missing hydrogen atoms and/or poor geometry.
PLAT330 Type_2 Check for large average phenyl C-C bond distance value
The standard average C-C bond distance in a phenyl ring is 1.395 Angstrom. The actual average ring distance may be larger than expected due to systematic errors in the unit cell dimensions (e.g. the use of an incorrect wavelength value for the determination of the unit cell parameters).
PLAT331 Type_2 Check for small average phenyl C-C bond distance value
The standard average C-C bond distance in a phenyl ring is 1.395 Angstrom. The average ring distance may be smaller due to large thermal motion or incorrect unit cell dimensions (e.g. the use of an incorrect wavelength value for the determination of the unit cell parameters).
PLAT332 Type_2 Check phenyl C-C bond distance range
The standard average C-C in a phenyl ring is 1.395 Angstrom. Bond distances in the ring are expected to vary only slightly due to thermal motion or substituent effects. Large deviations are likely due to data or model errors.
PLAT333 Type_2 Check for large
The standard average C-C bond distance in a flat six carbon atom containing aromatic ring is 1.395 Angstrom. The actual average ring distance may be larger than expected due to substituents such as '=O', single bonds or systematic errors in the cell dimensions (E.g. when the wrong wavelength is used in the derivation of the cell parameters).
PLAT334 Type_2 Check for small
The standard average C-C bond distance in a phenyl ring is 1.395 Angstrom. The average ring distance may be smaller due to large thermal motion, substituents such as '=O' or incorrect cell dimensions.
PLAT335 Type_2 Check multiple substituted phenyl type C-C bond distance range
The standard average C-C bond distance in a benzene ring is 1.395 Angstrom. Bond distances in the ring are expected to vary only slightly when due to substituent effects (exceptions include =O substituents). Large deviations may indicate data or model errors.
PLAT336 Type_2 Check for unusual bond distance
Check this bond distance.
PLAT338 Type_4 Check average torsion angle in cyclo-hexane ring
Cyclohexane moieties should have be significantly puckered as measured by the average torsion angle tau. Unresolved disorder generally results in flattened rings and elongated displacement ellipsoids. A disorder model should be included in the calculations.
PLAT340 Type_3 Check bond precision for C-C in light atom structures (Z(max) < 20)
The average s.u. for X-Y bonds is tested (named bond-precision). X-Y will generally be C-C bonds, unless there are none. In the last case the s.u.'s of the lowest element numbers are considered (excluding hydrogen). There are three test ranges: one for structures with the largest element Z < 20, one for the largest Z in the range 20 to 39 and one for structures with Z(max) 40 or higher (_340, _341 and _342 respectively).
PLAT341 Type_3 Check bond precision for C-C in structures (19 < Z(max) < 40)
The average s.u. for X-Y bonds is tested (named bond-precision). X-Y will generally be C-C bonds, unless there are none. In the last case the s.u.'s of the lowest element numbers are considered (excluding hydrogen). There are three test ranges: one for structures with the largest element Z < 20, one for the largest Z in the range 20 to 39 and one for structures with Z(max) 40 or higher (_340, _341 and _342 respectively).
PLAT342 Type_3 Check bond precision for C-C in structures (Z(max) > 39)
The average s.u. for X-Y bonds is tested (named bond-precision). X-Y will generally be C-C bonds, unless there are none. In the last case the s.u.'s of the lowest element numbers are considered (excluding hydrogen). There are three test ranges: one for structures with the largest element Z < 20, one for the largest Z in the range 20 to 39 and one for structures with Z(max) 40 or higher (_340, _341 and _342 respectively).
PLAT343 Type_2 Hybridisation problem on C in main residue(s)
The angle range is larger than usual for the tentatively assigned hybridisation of the reported atom in the main residue.
PLAT344 Type_2 Hybridisation problem on C in solvent/ion
The angle range is larger than usual for the tentatively assigned hybridisation of the reported atom in the solven/anion.
PLAT350 Type_3 Test for short C - H (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 0.96 NEUT 1.08
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C-H = 0.96 Ang. (X-Ray) value from SHELXL.
PLAT351 Type_3 Test for long C - H (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 0.96 NEUT 1.08
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C-H = 0.96 Ang. (X-Ray) value from SHELXL.
PLAT352 Type_3 Test for short N - H (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 0.87 NEUT 1.009
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default N-H = 0.87 Ang. (X-Ray) value from SHELXL.
PLAT353 Type_3 Test for long N - H (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 0.87 NEUT 1.009
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default N-H = 0.87 Ang. (X-Ray) value from SHELXL.
PLAT354 Type_3 Test for short O - H (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 0.82 NEUT 0.983
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default O-H = 0.82 Ang. (X-Ray) value from SHELXL.
PLAT355 Type_3 Test for long O - H (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 0.82 NEUT 0.983
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default O-H = 0.82 Ang. (X-Ray) value from SHELXL.
PLAT356 Type_3 Test for short B-H distance in X-BH3 moiety
A short B-H distance may be due to fixing that distance to a wrong value, e.g. to that of the C-H distance in a CH3 group.
PLAT357 Type_3 Test for long B-H distance in X-BH3 moiety
Check the long reported B-H bond distance (B-H is expected to have a value around 1.16 Ang in a X-BH3 group)
PLAT358 Type_3 Test for short B-H distance in (X,Y,Z)-B-H moiety
A short B-H distance may be due to fixing that distance to a wrong value., e.g. to that of the C-H distance.
PLAT359 Type_3 Test for long B-H distance in (X,Y,Z)-B-H moiety
Check the long reported B-H bond distance (B-H is expected to have a value around 1.06 Ang in a (X,Y,Z)-B-H moiety).
PLAT360 Type_2 Test for short C4 - C4 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.54
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C4-C4 = 1.54 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C4-C4 indicates a bond between atoms with 4 bonds each.
PLAT361 Type_2 Test for long C4 - C4 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.54
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C4-C4 = 1.54 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C4-C4 indicates a bond between atoms with 4 bonds each.
PLAT362 Type_2 Test for short C4 - C3 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.52
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C4-C3 = 1.52 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C4-C3 indicates a bond between an atom with 4 bonds and one with 3 bonds. - Conjugated systems may cause some 'false alarm' messages.
PLAT363 Type_2 Test for long C4 - C3 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.52
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C4-C3 = 1.52 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C4-C3 indicates a bond between an atom with 4 bonds and one with 3 bonds. - Conjugated systems may cause some 'false alarm' messages.
PLAT364 Type_2 Test for short C4 - C2 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.46
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C4-C2 = 1.46 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C4-C2 indicates a bond between an atom with 4 bonds and one with 2 bonds. - Conjugated systems may cause some 'false alarm' messages.
PLAT365 Type_2 Test for long C4 - C2 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.46
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C4-C2 = 1.46 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C4-C2 indicates a bond between an atom with 4 bonds and one with 2 bonds. - Conjugated systems may cause some 'false alarm' messages.
PLAT366 Type_2 Test for short C? - C? (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.50
The hybridisation of at least one carbon atom is not recognized. Large deviations from generally accepted values for a C-C bond may indicate model problems, unresolved disorder, over-refinement etc. The C-C bond is tested to be not shorter than 1.15 Angstrom.
PLAT367 Type_2 Test for long C? - C? (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.50
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C?-C? = 1.50 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985).
PLAT368 Type_2 Test for short C3 - C3 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.34
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C3-C3 = 1.34 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C3-C3 indicates a bond between atoms with 3 bonds each. - Conjugated systems may cause some 'false alarm' messages.
PLAT369 Type_2 Test for long C3 - C3 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.34
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C3-C3 = 1.34 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C3-C3 indicates a bond between atoms with 4 with 3 bonds each. - Conjugated systems may cause some 'false alarm' messages. - A notable exception is the C-C bond in -C(=O)-C(=O)- systems with an observed mean value of 1.54 Angstrom.
PLAT370 Type_2 Test for short C3 - C2 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.31
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C3-C2 = 1.31 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C3-C2 indicates a bond between an atom with 3 bonds and one with 2 bonds. - Conjugated systems may cause some 'false alarm' messages.
PLAT371 Type_2 Test for long C3 - C2 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.31
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C3-C2 = 1.31 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C3-C2 indicates a bond between an atom with 3 bonds and one with 2 bonds. - Conjugated systems may cause some 'false alarm' messages.
PLAT372 Type_2 Test for short C2 - C2 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.25
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C2-C2 = 1.25 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C2-C2 indicates a bond between atoms with 2 bonds each. - Conjugated systems may cause some 'false alarm' messages.
PLAT373 Type_2 Test for long C2 - C2 (Angstrom difference) XRAY: 1.25
Large deviations from generally accepted values may indicate model problems, over refinement etc. Default C2-C2 = 1.25 Ang. (X-Ray) value from Ladd & Palmer, Structure Determination by Xray Crystallography (1985). Note: - C2-C2 indicates a bond between atoms with 2 bonds each. - Conjugated systems may cause some 'false alarm' messages.
PLAT374 Type_2 Test for long N - N bond (> 1.45 Angstrom)
Large deviations from generally observed bond distances may indicate model problems, over-refinement etc. Check for wrong atom-type assignments. For an example see: Acta Cryst. (2003) E59, m710-m712.
PLAT375 Type_2 Test for C-O-H with large C-O bond distance
Strange C-O-H geometry with C-O > 1.45 Angstrom detected. Wrong Atom Type ?
PLAT380 Type_4 Test for incorrectly oriented methyl moiety
This test alerts for possible incorrectly oriented CH3 moieties. (E.g. AFIX 33 instead of AFIX 137 etc. within the SHELXL realm).
PLAT390 Type_3 Test methyl moiety X-C-H bond angle
Unusual Methyl Moiety X-C-H Angle (Ideally 109 Degrees for 4-bonded C).
PLAT391 Type_3 Test methyl moiety H-C-H bond angle
Unusual Methyl Moiety H-C-H Angle (ideally 109 Degrees).
PLAT395 Type_2 Test general X-O-Y angle value
The X-O-Y angle value differs from the common ~120.0 Degrees.
PLAT396 Type_2 Test Si-O-Si angle value
The Si-O-Si angle value differs from the common ~150.0 Degrees.
PLAT397 Type_2 Test B-O-B angle value
The B-O-B angle differs significantly from 120.0 degrees. This is just a notice: B-O-B angles vary widely depending on what is bonded to the Boron atoms.
PLAT398 Type_2 Test C-O-C angle value
The C-O-C angle value differs from the common ~120.0 Degrees.
PLAT410 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding intra H..H contacts
Short intramolecular contacts may arise when H-atoms are in (false) calculated positions. Short intramolecular contacts may also be a sign for a false structure with the molecule sitting on a site with improper site symmetry (e.g. '2' instead of '-1') which may happen when a lattice translation is missed. Short contacts are defined using a van der Waals radius of 1.2 Angstrom. For intramolecular contacts alerts are generated for contacts less than 2.0 Angstrom.
PLAT411 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding inter H..H contacts
Short intermolecular H..H contacts may indicate incorrectly determined structures (i.e. wrong symmetry, missed translation symmetry, wrong position with reference to the symmetry elements, hydrogen atoms on atoms where there should not be any etc..) Short intermolecular contacts may be indicative for inconsistent symmetry data (e.g. coordinates for space-group P43 and symmetry specified as P41 or P21/n & P21/c confusions). Short contacts are defined using a van der Waals radius of 1.2 Angstrom. For intermolecular contacts, an alert is generated for contacts less than 2.4 Angstrom.
PLAT412 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding intra H..H contacts (involving XH3)
Short intramolecular contacts may arise when H-atoms are in (false) calculated positions. Short intramolecular contacts may also be a sign for a false structure with the molecule sitting on a site with improper site symmetry (e.g. '2' instead of '-1') which may happen when a lattice translation is missed. Short contacts are defined using a van der Waals radius of 1.2 Angstrom. Short H .. H contact involving CH3 H-atoms are often hampered by the fact that they involve H atoms at not optimal calculated positions.
PLAT413 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding inter H..H contacts (involving XH3)
Short intermolecular H..H contacts may indicate incorrectly determined structures (i.e. wrong symmetry, missed translation symmetry, wrong position with reference to the symmetry elements, hydrogen atoms on atoms where there should not be any etc..). Short intermolecular contacts may be indicative for inconsistent symmetry data (e.g. coordinates for space-group P43 and symmetry specified as P41 or P21/n & P21/c confusions). Short contacts are defined using a van der Waals radius of 1.2 Angstrom. Short H .. H contact involving CH3 H-atoms are often hampered by the fact that they involve H atoms at not optimal calculated positions.
PLAT414 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding intra D-H..H-X contacts
Short intra D-H..H-X contact. This might be a di-hydrogen bond of the type B-H..H-O. See Crabtree et al. Acc. Chem. Res. 1996, 29, 348-354.
PLAT415 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding inter D-H..H-X contacts
Short inter D-H..H-X contact. This might be a di-hydrogen bond of the type B-H..H-O. See: Crabtree et al. Acc. Chem. Res. 1996, 29, 348-354.
PLAT416 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding intra D-H..H-D contacts
Short non-bonding intra D-H..H-D contacts may be related to disordered or misplaced H-atoms.
PLAT417 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding inter D-H..H-D contacts
Short non-bonding inter D-H..H-D contacts may be related to disordered or misplaced H-atoms. Experience has shown that any intermolecular H...H separation of less than 1.8 Angstroms between unit-occupancy H atoms is a clear indicator that one or both of these H atoms may be wrongly placed.
PLAT420 Type_2 Test for D-H bonds without acceptor
Potential hydrogen bond donors are checked for the presence of suitable acceptors using commonly used (Jeffrey) H-bond criteria. As a general rule there should be an acceptor for each donor. Exceptions are very rare for O-H and more common for -NH and -NH2. A common error is an -OH with Hydrogen atom on a calculated position with O-H pointing in the wrong direction.
PLAT430 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding inter D...A contacts
This test alerts for possibly missed Hydrogen bonds as indicated by short (i.e. shorter than sum of the van der Waals radii - 0.2 Angstrom) Donor - Acceptor atom distances. Note: Short C=O .. O=C are observed sometimes when part of three-centre O-H, N-H or C-H O..O bridging.
PLAT431 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding inter HL...A contacts
This test reports on short intermolecular Halogen .. Donor/Acceptor atom-type distances.
PLAT432 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding inter X...Y contacts
This test raised an ALERT for short intermolecular contacts. In general, intermolecular contact distances should be not much smaller than the sum of the associated van der Waals Radii. More often than not, such short contacts can be a warning sign for errors. All short contacts should therefore be examined in some detail. Interesting exceptions are carbonyl- carbonyl interactions that often feature short O...C contacts (see Allen et al. (1998) B54, 320-329, short NO2 O...O interactions and BF4(-) to (aromatic) carbon contacts.
PLAT433 Type_4 Test for short non-bonding minor..minor inter X...Y contacts
This test raised an ALERT for short intermolecular contacts between minor disorder components. In general, intermolecular contact distances should be not much smaller than the sum of the associated van der Waals Radii. More often than not, such short contacts can be a warning sign for errors. All short contacts should therefore be examined in some detail. Interesting exceptions are carbonyl-carbonyl interactions that often feature short O...C contacts (see Allen et al. (1998) B54, 320-329).
PLAT434 Type_2 Test for short non-bonding inter HL...HL contacts
This test reports on short intermolecular Halogen .. Halogen type distances. Note: Bridging I- ions in a X-I...I-...I-Y chain may invoke level B ALERTs.
PLAT480 Type_4 Test for too large H...A
Check this (unrealistically) long reported H..A contact. Jeffrey criterium: Contact < vdWR(H) + vdWR(A) - 0.12 Angstrom.
PLAT481 Type_4 Test for too large D...A
Check this (unrealistically) long reported D..A contact. Jeffrey criterium: Contact < vdWR(D) + vdWR(A) + 0.50 Angstrom.
PLAT482 Type_4 Test for too small D-H...A angle
Check this unrealistically small reported D-H..A Angle. Jeffrey criterium: D-H..A Angle > 100 degrees.
PLAT601 Type_2 Report the largest (unreported) solvent accessible void size
Crystal structures in general do not contain large solvent accessible voids in the lattice. Most structures lose their long-range ordering when solvent molecules leave the crystal. Only when the remaining network is strongly bonded (e.g. zeolites and some hydrogen bonded networks) the crystal structure may survive. Residual voids in a structure may indicate the omission of (disordered) density from the model. Disordered density may go undetected when smeared since peak search programs are not designed to locate maxima on density ridges. The presence or absence of residual density in the void may be verified on a printed/plotted difference Fourier map or with PLATON/SQUEEZE. Voids of 40 Ang**3 may accommodate H2O. Small molecules such as Tetrahydrofuran have typical volumes in the 100 to 200 Ang**3 range. This test reports the volume of the largest solvent accessible void in the structure. A paper reporting a crystal structure with a significant solvent accessible void should at the least discuss the issue.
PLAT602 Type_2 Test for TOO LARGE (unreported) solvent accessible voids
This test reports on a solvent accessible void in the structure, too large or too time consuming for the current PLATON version for a more detailed analysis as part of the validation run. Use the SOLV option for more details. Such a warning might also indicate that the symmetry is incomplete e.g. should have been specified as P-1 and not P1, leaving out half of the unit cell content.
PLAT603 Type_4 Test for TOO LARGE Unit Cell for VOID search
No search for solvent accessible VOIDS done as part of VALIDATION in view of large unit-cell.
PLAT604 Type_4 Test for TOO Many VOIDS
Too many solvent accessible VOIDS.
PLAT605 Type_4 Test for (reported) solvent accessible voids
Crystal structures in general do not contain large solvent accessible voids in the lattice. Most structures lose their long-range ordering when solvent molecules leave the crystal. Only when the remaining network is strongly bonded (e.g. zeolites and some hydrogen bonded networks) the crystal structure may survive. Residual voids in a structure may indicate the omission of (disordered) density from the model. Disordered density may go undetected when smeared since peak search programs are not designed to locate maxima on density ridges. The presence or absence of residual density in the void may be verified on a printed/plotted difference Fourier map or with PLATON/SQUEEZE. Voids of 40 Ang**3 may accommodate H2O. Small molecules such as Tetrahydrofuran have typical volumes in the 100 to 200 Ang**3 range. This test reports the volume of the largest solvent accessible void in the structure. A paper reporting a crystal structure with a significant solvent accessible void should at the least discuss the issue. Note: The use of PLATON/SQUEEZE was reported in the CIF.
PLAT606 Type_4 Test for TOO LARGE (reported) solvent accessible voids
This test reports on a solvent accessible void in the structure, too large or too time consuming for the current PLATON version for a more detailed analysis as part of the validation run. Use the SOLV option for more details. Such a warning might also indicate that the symmetry is incomplete e.g. should have been specified as P-1 and not P1, leaving out half of the unit cell content.
PLAT607 Type_4 Test for skipped VOID Test in case of severe disorder
Void test Skipped.
PLAT608 Type_4 Test for too many atoms for ADDSYM test as part of checkCIF
The ADDSYM test is skipped as part of the checkCIF run when the symmetry generated cell content gets too large and the calculation too time consiming. The calculation can still be done via the ADDSYM tool in PLATON.
PLAT609 Type_4 Check for missing SQUEEZE or MASK info
The presence of an ABIN instruction in the SHELXL .ins file implies the use of the PLATON/SQUEEZE or OLEX2/MASK tool to take into account the disordered solvent contribution to the calculated structure factors. The corresponding procedure details, generated by those programs, appear to be absent from or incorrectly modified as part of the CIF embedded '.fab' file.
PLAT650 Type_4 Report the use of the SHELXL/SWAT instruction
This test reports the use of the SHELXL/SWAT instruction for the modelling of the disordered solvent contribution to the calculated structure factors.
PLAT660 Type_1 Test for radiation type specification
Examples of expected values are 'MoKa', 'synchrotron', 'neutron', 'electron'
PLAT697 Type_1 Check for BLANK records in embedded hkl file
A number of blank records interspersed in the CIF embedded hkl file have been removed.
PLAT698 Type_1 Check for _shelx_include_file_checksum
The supplied CIF contains a '_shelx_include_file' record but not a valid associated '_shelx_include_file_checksum' record or valid value.. This include file is called from.ins and is needed for the refinement and re-creation of the associated .fcf file (used for a detailed analysis of the refinement result). The calculated and reported checksums should be identical. Only characters with an ASCII value higher than 32 contribute to the checksum. An embedded include file might be broken, either due to transfer errors or to deliberate or accidental post-refinement editing of its content.
PLAT699 Type_1 Test for _exptl_crystal_description value
Examples of expected values are 'block', 'needle', 'plate', 'sphere', 'cylinder'. In case of 'cylinder' or 'sphere' also provide a value for '_exptl_crystal_size_rad'.
PLAT701 Type_1 Test for consistency of bonds and coordinates in CIF
Bond distances given in the CIF are cross-checked with corresponding values calculated from the coordinates. Alerts are set at 1,2 and 3 Sigma deviation levels. Note: Default s.u.'s are used where no s.u. given (e.g. for C-H). In general, all differences should be within the associated s.u. Small differences may arise from rounding. Very large deviation (or zero distance) normally indicate incorrectly specified symmetry operations on the associated atoms, or 'cut-and-pasting' of incompatible CIF's.
PLAT702 Type_1 Test for consistency of angles and coordinates in CIF
Bond Angles given in the CIF are cross-checked with corresponding values calculated from the coordinates. Alerts are set at 1,2 and 3 Sigma deviation levels. In general, all differences should be within the associated s.u. Small differences may arise from rounding. Very large deviations normally indicate incorrectly specified symmetry operations on the associated atoms, or 'cut-and-pasting' of incompatible CIF's.
PLAT703 Type_1 Test for consistency of torsions and coordinates in CIF
Torsion angles given in the CIF are cross-checked with corresponding values calculated from the coordinates. Alerts are set at 1,2 and 3 Sigma deviation levels. In general, all differences should be within the associated s.u. Small differences may arise from rounding. Very large deviations normally indicate incorrectly specified symmetry operations on the associated atoms, or 'cut-and-pasting' of incompatible CIF's.
PLAT704 Type_1 Test for consistency of contact distances and coordinates in CIF
Intermolecular contacts listed in the CIF are checked against the coordinates in the CIF. Alerts are set at 1,2 and 3 Sigma deviation levels.
PLAT705 Type_1 Test for consistency of H-bond D-H distances and coordinates in CIF
Hydrogen-Bond D-H listed in the CIF is checked. Alerts are set at 1,2 and 3 Sigma deviation levels.
PLAT706 Type_1 Test for consistency of H-bond H..A distances and coordinates in CIF
Hydrogen-Bond H..A listed in the CIF is checked. Alerts are set at 1,2 and 3 Sigma deviation levels. This ALERT is generally related to incorrect symmetry codes. The symmetry number s in the symmetry code s_pqr should correspond to the expression for s in the CIF. Those expressions can be different for different software packages. E.g. pasting H-bond table data generated with PLATON into a CIF generated with SHELXL may raise this ALERT. Manual correction of the symmetry code should be trivial.
PLAT707 Type_1 Test for consistency of H-bond D..A distances and coordinates in CIF
Hydrogen-Bond D..A listed in the CIF is checked. Alerts are set at 1,2 and 3 Sigma deviation levels. This ALERT is generally related to incorrect symmetry codes. The symmetry number s in the symmetry code s_pqr should correspond to the expression for s in the CIF. Those expressions can be different for different software packages. E.g. pasting H-bond table data generated with PLATON into a CIF generated with SHELXL may raise this ALERT. Manual correction of the symmetry code should be trivial.
PLAT708 Type_1 Test for consistency of H-bond D-H..A angles and coordinates in CIF
Hydrogen-Bond Angle D-H..A listed in the CIF is checked. Alerts are set at 1,2 and 3 Sigma deviation levels. This ALERT is generally related to incorrect symmetry codes. The symmetry number s in the symmetry code s_pqr should correspond to the expression for s in the CIF. Those expressions can be different for different software packages. E.g. pasting H-bond table data generated with PLATON into a CIF generated with SHELXL may raise this ALERT. Manual correction of the symmetry code should be trivial.
PLAT710 Type_4 Test for meaningless 'linear' torsion angles in the CIF
Torsion angles specified in the CIF are checked for the 'linear variety' where one or both of the 1-2-3 and 2-3-4 bond angles are close to 180 Deg. SHELXL97 will generate those 'torsions' for molecules containing linear moieties (E.g. Metal-C=O).
PLAT711 Type_1 Test for label problems for bonds in the CIF
When labels are found on geometry items (bonds, angles etc.) that are not in the coordinate list, and ALERT _71n is issued, related to ALERT _70n.
PLAT712 Type_1 Test for label problem for angles in CIF
When labels are found on geometry items (bonds, angles etc.) that are not in the coordinate list, and ALERT _71n is issued, related to ALERT _70n.
PLAT713 Type_1 Test for label problem for torsions in the CIF
When labels are found on geometry items (bonds, angles etc.) that are not in the coordinate list, and ALERT _71n is issued, related to ALERT _70n.
PLAT714 Type_1 Test for label problem for contact distances in the CIF
When labels are found on geometry items (bonds, angles etc.) that are not in the coordinate list, and ALERT _71n is issued, related to ALERT _70n.
PLAT715 Type_1 Test for label problem for H-bond D-H distances in the CIF
When labels are found on geometry items (bonds, angles etc.) that are not in the coordinate list, and ALERT _71n is issued, related to ALERT _70n.
PLAT716 Type_1 Test for label problem for H-bond H..A distances in the CIF
When labels are found on geometry items (bonds, angles etc.) that are not in the coordinate list, and ALERT _71n is issued, related to ALERT _70n.
PLAT717 Type_1 Test for label problem for H-bond D..A distances in the CIF
When labels are found on geometry items (bonds, angles etc.) that are not in the coordinate list, and alert _71n is issued, related to alert _70n.
PLAT718 Type_1 Test for label problem for H-bond D-H..A angles in the CIF
When labels are found on geometry items (bonds, angles etc.) that are not in the coordinate list, and ALERT _71n is issued, related to ALERT _70n.
PLAT720 Type_4 Test for unusual and nonstandard labels
Up to 4 Character Labels of the type C11, H101, N10A, i.e. chemical symbol + number + optional letter are to be preferred. Note: SHELXL based refinements may use labels up to 7 characters (Including residue and or disorder information).
PLAT721 Type_1 Test for consistency of bonds and coordinates in the CIF
Same as 701 but for distance without s.u. (esd). Difference is tested in terms of Angstroms.
PLAT722 Type_1 Test for consistency of angles and coordinates in the CIF
Same as 702 but for angle without s.u. (esd). Difference is tested in terms of Degrees.
PLAT723 Type_1 Test for consistency of torsions and coordinates in the CIF
Same as 703 but for torsion without s.u. (esd). Difference is tested in terms of Degrees.
PLAT724 Type_2 Test for consistency of contact distances and coordinates in the CIF
Same as 704, but for distance without s.u. (esd). Difference is tested in terms of Angstroms.
PLAT725 Type_2 Test for consistency of H-bond D-H distances and Coordinates in the CIF
Same as 705 but for distance without s.u. (esd). Differences are tested in terms of Angstrom.
PLAT726 Type_2 Test for consistency of H-bond H..A distances and coordinates in the CIF
Same as 706 but for distance without s.u. (esd). Differences are tested in terms of Angstrom.
PLAT727 Type_1 Test for consistency of H-bond D..A distances and coordinates in the CIF
Same as 707 but for distance without s.u. (esd). Differences are tested in terms of Angstrom.
PLAT728 Type_1 Test for consistency of H-bond D-H..A angles and coordinates in the CIF
Same as ALERT 708 but for angle without s.u. (esd). Differences are tested in terms of Degrees.
PLAT731 Type_1 Test for consistency of bond s.u.'s and coordinate s.u.'s in the CIF
A large ratio of the reported and calculated bond s.u.'s is found. The use of a DFIX instruction might cause such a warning since calculated s.u.'s are based on reported variances only. Note_1: s.u.'s on the unit-cell dimensions are taken into account in the calculation of expected s.u.'s. This may result in large differences between expected and reported s.u.'s when this contribution is not included in the reported s.u.'s, in particular for inaccurate unit-cells. Note_2: Another source for the discrepancy between calculated and reported s.u.'s can be that the validation software has access only to the variances of the refined parameters as opposed to the full co-variance matrix used by e.g. SHELXL for the calculation of derived parameters with associated s.u.'s. Constrained/restrained refinement may cause large co-variances.
PLAT732 Type_1 Test for consistency of angles and coordinates in CIF s.u.'s
A large ratio of the reported and calculated bond angle s.u.'s is found. This check should warn for erroneous rounding: E.g. 105.5(19) to 105.5(2) or 105.0(5) to 105(5) etc. Note: Large differences are possible when certain constraints/restraints were applied in the refinement (e.g. the FLAT option in SHELXL97). Note_1: s.u.'s on the unit-cell dimensions are taken into account in the calculation of expected s.u.'s. This may result in large differences between expected and reported s.u.'s when this contribution is not included in the reported s.u.'s, in particular for inaccurate unit-cells. Note_2: Another source for the discrepancy between calculated and reported s.u.'s can be that the validation software has access only to the variances of the refined parameters as opposed to the full co-variance matrix used by e.g. SHELXL for the calculation of derived parameters with associated s.u.'s. Constrained/restrained refinement may cause large co-variances.
PLAT733 Type_1 Test for consistency of torsions and coordinates in CIF s.u's
A large ratio of the reported and calculated torsion angle s.u.'s is found. This check should warn for erroneous rounding: E.g. 105.5(19) to 105.5(2) or 105.0(5) to 105(5) etc. Note_1: s.u.'s on the unit-cell dimensions are taken into account in the calculation of expected s.u.'s. This may result in large differences between expected and reported s.u.'s when this contribution is not included in the reported s.u.'s, in particular for inaccurate unit-cells. Note_2: Another source for the discrepancy between calculated and reported s.u.'s can be that the validation software has access only to the variances of the refined parameters as opposed to the full co-variance matrix used by e.g. SHELXL for the calculation of derived parameters with associated s.u.'s. Constrained/restrained refinement may cause large co-variances.
PLAT734 Type_1 Test for consistency of contact distance s.u. and coordinate s.u. in CIF
A large ratio of the reported and calculated contact distance s.u.'s is found. Note: s.u.'s on the unit-cell dimensions are taken into account in the calculation of expected s.u.'s. This may result in large differences between expected and reported s.u.'s when this contribution is not included in the reported s.u.'s, in particular for inaccurate unit-cells.
PLAT735 Type_1 Test for consistency of H-bond D-H dist. s.u. and coordinate s.u. in CIF
A large ratio of the reported and calculated H-bond D-H distance s.u.'s is found. The use of a DFIX instruction might cause such a warning since calculated s.u.'s are based on reported variances only. Note: s.u.'s on the unit-cell dimensions are taken into account in the calculation of expected s.u.'s. This may result in large differences between expected and reported s.u.'s when this contribution is not included in the reported s.u.'s, in particular for inaccurate unit-cells.
PLAT736 Type_1 Test for consistency of H-bond H..A distance s.u. and coordinates in CIF
A large ratio of the reported and calculated H-bond H..A distance s.u.'s is found. Note: s.u.'s on the unit-cell dimensions are taken into account in the calculation of expected s.u.'s. This may result in large differences between expected and reported s.u.'s when this contribution is not included in the reported s.u.'s, in particular for inaccurate unit-cells.
PLAT737 Type_1 Test for consistency of H-bond D..A distance s.u. and coordinates in CIF
A large ratio of the reported and calculated H-Bond D...A distance s.u.'s is found.
PLAT738 Type_1 Test for consistency of H-bond D-H..A angle and coordinates in CIF s.u.
A large ratio of the reported and calculated H-Bond D-H..A angle s.u.'s is found. Note: s.u.'s on the unit-cell dimensions are taken into account in the calculation of expected s.u.'s. This may result in large differences between expected and reported s.u.'s when this contribution is not included in the reported s.u.'s, in particular for inaccurate unit-cells.
PLAT741 Type_1 Test for missing bond s.u. in the CIF
Likely Missing s.u. on Bond in CIF.
PLAT742 Type_1 Test for missing angle s.u. in the CIF
Likely Missing s.u. on Bond angle in CIF.
PLAT743 Type_1 Test for missing torsion s.u. in the CIF
Likely Missing s.u. on Torsion angle in CIF.
PLAT744 Type_1 Test for missing contact distance s.u. in the CIF
Likely missing s.u. on contact Distance in CIF.
PLAT745 Type_1 Test for missing H-bond D-H distance s.u. in the CIF
Likely missing s.u. on H-Bond D-H distance in CIF.
PLAT746 Type_1 Test for missing H-bond H..A distance s.u. in the CIF
Likely missing s.u. on H-Bond H...A distance in CIF.
PLAT747 Type_1 Test for missing H-bond D..A distance s.u. in the CIF
Likely missing s.u. on H-Bond D...A distance in CIF.
PLAT748 Type_1 Test for missing H-bond D-H..A angle s.u. in the CIF
Likely missing s.u. on H-Bond D-H..A angle in CIF.
PLAT751 Type_4 Test for senseless bond s.u. in the CIF
An s.u. should not be given in the CIF for constrained distances. Please check for proper refinement status flags (e.g. R)
PLAT752 Type_4 Test for senseless angle s.u. in the CIF
An s.u. should not be given in the CIF for constrained angles. Please check for proper refinement status flags (e.g. R)
PLAT753 Type_4 Test for senseless torsion s.u. in the CIF
An s.u. should not be given in the CIF for constrained torsion angles. Please check for proper refinement status flags (e.g. R)
PLAT754 Type_4 Test for senseless contact distance s.u. in the CIF
An s.u. should not be given in the CIF for constrained contact distances. Please check for proper refinement status flags (e.g. R)
PLAT755 Type_4 Test for senseless H-bond D-H distance s.u. in the CIF
An s.u. should not be given in the CIF for constrained distances. Please check for proper refinement status flags (e.g. R).
PLAT756 Type_4 Test for senseless H-bond H..A distance s.u. in the CIF
An s.u. should not be given in the CIF for constrained distances. Please check for proper refinement status flags (e.g. R).
PLAT757 Type_4 Test for senseless H-bond D..A distance s.u. in the CIF
An s.u. should not be given in the CIF for constrained distances. Please check for proper refinement status flags (e.g. R).
PLAT758 Type_4 Test for senseless H-bond D-H..A angle s.u. in the CIF
An s.u. should not be given in the CIF for constrained angles. Please check for proper refinement status flags (e.g. R)
PLAT761 Type_1 Test for the presence of at least one X-H in the CIF
The CIF contains no X-H Bonds. This might be caused by not using the SHELXL instruction BOND $H. Inclusion is required by Acta Cryst. but not necessarily so by other journals.
PLAT762 Type_1 Test for at least one X-Y-H or H-Y-H entry in the CIF
The CIF contains no X-Y-H or H-Y-H bond angles. This might be caused by not using the SHELXL instruction BOND $H. Those data should also be supplied when H-atoms are introduced on calculated positions and/or refined riding on their carrier atom. Inclusion is required by Acta Cryst. but not necessarily so by other journals.
PLAT763 Type_1 Test for missing bonds in the CIF
Bond list in CIF likely incomplete.
PLAT764 Type_4 Test for overcomplete bonds in the CIF
The CIF contains more bonds than the unique set, indicating redundancy. An example is redundancy due to the inclusion of symmetry related bonds.
PLAT766 Type_4 Test for erroneous 'LIST 8' instruction in the embedded .res file
The final.fcf associated with the .cif should have been created with the LIST 4 instruction (or just left out because already implicit with the ACTA instruction). The LIST 8 instruction will create an FCF file where the observed data are detwinned making the generated .fcf unsuitable for checking for missed (additional) twinning and validation.
PLAT767 Type_4 Test for erroneous 'LIST 6' instruction in the embedded .res file
The '.fcf' file associated with the '.cif' file should have been created with a 'LIST 4' instruction (or left out because already implicit with the ACTA instruction). LIST 6 will create a '.fcf' file where the observed data are corrected for anomalous/resonant scattering, making the generated '.fcf' file unsuitable for post refinement absolute structure analysis and validation.
PLAT768 Type_4 TEST for CIF/RES embedded explicit scattering factor values
The supplied '.cif' file includes explicit atomic scattering factor date in the embedded '.res' file. Those values may or may not be identical to the standard values as included in current versions of SHELXL. It should be noted that those values will not (by default) be present as CIF data items in CIF's created with SHELXL. PLATON/checkCIF will use its own build-in scattering factors, that are identical to those used by default by SHELXL for common wavelengths, for its validation calculations.
PLAT769 Type_4 TEST for CIF embedded explicit scattering factor values
The supplied '.cif' file contains explicit scattering factor data as values of their corresponding CIF datanames. Those scattering factor data are used by PLATON/checkCIF for its validation calculations as opposed to using the neutral scattering factor data that are stored in PLATON (which are identical to those stored internally in SHELXL). Those CIF reported values should be identical to those provided in the embedded '.res' file. Current SHELXL versions do not copy scattering factor data that are explicitly included in the '.ins' instruction file into corresponding CIF data items. A reason for the use of non-default scattering factors can be the modelling of charged atoms in the refinement. Also, the PLATON build-in Peng (Micron 30(1999) 625-648) electron scattering factors might have been substituted by an alternative set.
PLAT770 Type_2 Test for suspect C-H bonds in CIF (not caught otherwise)
Report on unusual C-H bonds not caught in other tests.
PLAT771 Type_2 Test for suspect N-H bonds in CIF (not caught otherwise)
Report on unusual N-H bonds not caught in other tests.
PLAT772 Type_2 Test for suspect O-H bonds in CIF (not caught otherwise)
Report on unusual O-H bonds not caught in other tests. Note: Exceptions can be H-atoms in acid O..H..O bridges or in H5O2+ (Hydronium) species.
PLAT773 Type_2 Test for suspect C-C bonds in CIF (not caught otherwise)
Report on unusual C-C bonds, possibly not caught in other tests. Exceptions include C-C distances of around 1.75 Ang. in e.g. 1,2-dicarba-closo-dodecaborane.
PLAT774 Type_1 Test for too large/erroneous bond distance
Likely Erroneous Bond Entry.
PLAT775 Type_1 Test for too large/erroneous contact distance
Likely Erroneous Contact Entry.
PLAT776 Type_1 Test for too large/erroneous H-bond D-H distance
Likely Erroneous D-H Entry.
PLAT777 Type_2 Check for N..H..X+ bonds in the CIF
Report N-H distance in special N..H..X+ bonds. The N .. X distance is expected to be shorter than in a standard hydrogen bond.
PLAT778 Type_2 Check for O..H..X+ bonds in the CIF
Report O-H distance in special O..H..X+ bonds. The O .. X distance is expected to be shorter than in a standard hydrogen bond.
PLAT779 Type_4 Test for suspect angle in CIF (not caught otherwise)
Possibly erroneous (Bond)angle less than 45 degree. The angle might be considered for elimination from the CIF when irrelevant. This ALERT can also be triggered when the assigned occupancy factors are incorrect.
PLAT780 Type_1 Test whether the coordinates form a connected set
Atoms given in a CIF should form a 'connected set', i.e. no symmetry operations are needed to get atoms in a bonding position. A connected set of atoms is not needed for the least squares refinement (unless hydrogen atoms are to be added at calculated positions). Geometry listings (bonds, angles, torsions & H-bonds) become unwieldy for non-connected atom sets.
PLAT781 Type_1 Test for Flack x value for centrosymmetric space-group
A Flack parameter value is erroneously given for a structure reported in a centrosymmetric space-group.
PLAT782 Type_2 Test for unusual C-NO2 an C-CO2 moiety bond geometry
Warning for a possible misassignment of C-NO2 and C-CO2 moieties. The geometry of the reported moiety appears to be unusual/inconsistent. The C-O bond distances in C-CO2 are expected to add up to about 2.5 Test Criteria: ALERT for C-O bond sum < 2.48 and C-C < 1.48 Angstrom The N-O bond distances in C-NO2 are expected to add up to about 2.4 Test Criteria: ALERT for N-O bond sum > 2.48 and C-C > 1.48 Angstrom
PLAT789 Type_4 Report the number of atoms with negative _atom_site_disorder_group #
A negative value of the '_atom_site_disorder_group' number of an atom indicates whether that atom is part of a group disordered over a symmetry element. Check whether this negative sign assignment applies.
PLAT790 Type_4 Test whether centre-of-gravity of a residue is within the unitcell box
Unless for a good reason, molecular species should be transformed (by symmetry and/or translation) so that their centres of gravity are close to or within the unit-cell bounds. This is a strict rule for the main species. Deviations from this general rule are for smaller additional species when relevant for intermolecular interactions with the main species.
PLAT791 Type_4 Check the absolute configuration of chiral atom in Sohncke space-group
A tentative (R/S) assignment is done on the basis of the geometrical and atom type data in the CIF. A correct assignment depends on the algorithm used to automatically detect double and triple bonds. For that reason it is important that the molecule is complete (i.e. all hydrogen atoms should be included). In case of a chiral molecule in a centro-symmetric spacegroup, it is essential that the coordinate set used and the associated molecular (ORTEP) illustration are consistent. This can be verified by checking the identical signs of relevant torsion angles. The absolute structure assignment should also be consistent with the lowest value of the Flack parameter and/or known absolute configuration.
PLAT792 Type_1 Check the abs. config. of chiral atom in a polar Non-Sohncke space-group
This test addresses the consistency of the absolute structure assignment (i.e. polarity etc.) in non-centrosymmetric structures in space groups that include improper symmetry operations (e.g. mirror planes). Check the (R/S) absolute configuration assignment of this atom and the consistency of the absolute configuration implicit in the CIF-data with that in the 'ORTEP' illustration.
PLAT793 Type_4 Check the abs. config. of chiral atom in a centrosymmetric space-group
This test addresses the internal consistency of the absolute configuration assignment of molecules in the reported asymmetric unit of the coordinates, the molecular presentations (e.g. ORTEP) and the chemical diagrams. Check the (R/S) absolute configuration assignment of this atom and the consistency of the absolute configuration implicit in the CIF-data with that in the 'ORTEP' illustration.
PLAT794 Type_5 Report the calculated 'Valence Bond' valency for metals
This test reports the valency of an atom as predicted by the Valence Bond Model. See: N.E. Brese & M. O'Keeffe (1991) Acta Cryst. B47, 192-197. I.D. Brown (2002). The Chemical Bond in Inorganic Chemistry: The Bond Valence Model. Oxford University Press. More explicit info on the calculations can be obtained by running the calculations explicitly with the PLATON option BondValence. Note: The underlying theory is empirical and might not apply to the case at hand (e.g. charged species).
PLAT798 Type_4 Test for alphanumeric atom label in coordinate record
Atom labels are generally not a number (i.e. starting with one or two characters indicating the atom type). Labels can be erroneously numeric due to typing errors (e.g. 'Oxygen' typed as 'zero').
PLAT799 Type_4 Test for alphanumeric label in displacement pararameter record
Atom labels are generally not a number (i.e. starting with one or two characters indicating the atom type). Labels can be erroneously numeric due to typing errors (e.g. 'Oxygen' typed as 'zero').
PLAT801 Type_4 Test for missing, incomplete or out-of-order Cell data
PLATON/CheckCIF has a problem with the Cell data. A possible reason can be that the cell data are missing, incomplete or out-of-sequence. PLATON/CheckCIF wishes to encounter the cell and symmetry data before any coordinates are given. PLATON expects the values of all six cell parameters.
PLAT802 Type_4 Test for input lines longer than 80 characters
The CIF contains records longer than 80 characters. Not all software will read beyond column 80. The CIF-1.1 definition specifies a maximum of 2048 character per record.
PLAT803 Type_1 Test for loop problem in CIF-read
Fatal Problem: Check loop data names and data for errors. There are likely too many or to few data in the loop.
PLAT804 Type_5 Report on ARU-Pack problem(s) in PLATON
Problem: ARU representations turn out to be needed outside the ORTEP style -5:5 unit-cell translation range. The Analysis might be incomplete. The problem often occurs for structures with aliphatic chains stretching over many unitcells or network structures. Transformation of the unitcell content to a symmetry related position might solve the problem.
PLAT805 Type_1 Test for insufficient coordinate data in CIF loop
Check Coordinate Data Loop for missing entries.
PLAT806 Type_4 Test for insufficient U(i,j) data in CIF loop
Check UIJ Data Loop for missing entries.
PLAT807 Type_5 Test for maximum number of atoms exceeded problem
PLATON can handle up to 'NP1' in the (expanded) ATOM list. This might happen with disordered or network structures in high symmetry space groups. Deletion of the symmetry information might solve part of the problem and provide a partial validation. Alternatively, clicking on 'NOSYMM' on the PLATON menu before invoking validation might address the problem.
PLAT808 Type_5 Test for parseable SHELXL style weighting scheme
The validation software did not succeed in finding/analyzing a parsable weighting scheme. SHELXL style weight parameters are expected to be given in the format: _refine_ls_weighting_details 'calc w=1/[\s^2^(Fo^2^)+(0.1000P)^2^+0.0000P] where P=(Fo^2^+2Fc^2^)/3' JANA style weight is expected to be given in the format: _refine_ls_weighting_details 'w=1/(\s^2^(I)+0.0016I^2^)' Do not edit this string or make it into a text block between ';'.
PLAT809 Type_1 Report on parsing problem of SHELXL style weighting scheme
The software did not succeed in Parsing the SHELXL style weighting scheme. The string might have been edited or of the more than 2 parameter variety (see SHELXL manual).
PLAT810 Type_5 Report Out-of-Memory problem in PLATON
Analysis for missing reflections may be incomplete due to an out-of-memory problem.
PLAT811 Type_5 Report on no ADDSYM analysis executed for too many disordered atoms case
The ADDSYM test for missed symmetry is not executed for structures with too many disordered atoms.
PLAT812 Type_5 Report for aliases overflow problem in PLATON
Non-standard labels are aliased into acceptable labels. The maximum number of aliases is reached.
PLAT813 Type_1 Test for insufficient data on HKLF record in the CIF
Check the HKLF record in the SHELXL style .res is embedded in the CIF. This record should show either 'HKLF 4' or 'HKLF 5'. The information in this record is used to establish that a twinning model was refined.
PLAT814 Type_5 Test for (in)commensurate structure based CIF
PLATON/CheckCIF can not validate the CIFs associated with (in)commensurate structure reports.
PLAT815 Type_5 Test for number of population parameter overflow in PLATON
PLATON/checkCIF is currently dimensioned for up to 255 population parameters. Please contact the author at
PLAT816 Type_5 Test for final refinement with detwinned 'HKLF 4' data
The CIF includes a loop with twin matrices. The embedded .res file however points to a HKLF 4 file with likely detwinned intensities.
PLAT820 Type_5 Report read problem in PLATON checkCIF routine
Internal PLATON Problem. Please refer problem to author at
PLAT822 Type_4 Check for negative PART record(s) in CIF-embedded .res file
Please check the validity of the negative PART numbers in the CIF-embedded SHELXL .res file. Their use may obscure disorder model errors.
PLAT850 Type_4 Test for BASF/TWIN problem in SHELXL
This G_ALERT can be ignored in the case that the so-called 'on-the-cheap' Flack parameter is reported as determined with SHELXL. Exactly zero values are possible but may also be a software artefact. The following should be checked: Problem #1: Some SHELXL97 versions do not allow negative values of the Flack parameter when determined using the BASF/TWIN instructions. Negative values are set to 0.00001. Refinement may not converge completely. Problem #2: Some SHELXL97 versions put meaningless values in the CIF for the Flack parameter when 'TWIN -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 2 / BASF' instructions (i.e. an explicit matrix is specified on the TWIN instruction) are used. Please check the value of BASF (in the list output) against the Flack parameter in the CIF.
PLAT860 Type_3 Test for restraints being used in refinement
The use of restraints used in the refinement should be explained in the write-up of a structure analysis. It is also recommended to include the refinement instructions in the CIF (e.g. the final .res of a SHELXL refinement) as a comment: _iucr_refine_instructions_details ; TITL .. (etc.) ; Note: An exception are restraints for floating origins (e.g. in P21).
PLAT868 Type_4 Notify the suppression of Olex2/_smtbx_masks related ALERTS
ALERTS related to the use of Olex2/_smtbx_masks that can not (yet) be accounted for as part of the VALIDATION algorithms have been suppressed.
PLAT869 Type_4 Notify the suppression of SQUEEZE related ALERTS
ALERTS related to the use of PLATON/SQUEEZE that can not (yet) be accounted for as part of the VALIDATION algorithms have been suppressed.
PLAT870 Type_4 Report the suppression of some twinning related ALERTS
ALERTS related to twinning effects that can not (yet) be accounted for as part of the VALIDATION algorithms have been suppressed.
PLAT871 Type_4 Report the suppression of some Laue technique related ALERTS
ALERTS related to the use of the Laue technique with a wavelength range have been suppressed.
PLAT872 Type_4 Report the suppression of anharmonic refinement related ALERTS
ALERTS related to anharmonic refinement have been suppressed. This generally concerns XD and some OLEX2 refinement based CIF's. Internally calculated structure factors are based on the reported harmonic displacement parameters only.
PLAT880 Type_1 Report missing datum for _diffrn_reflns_number
The total number of measured reflections is not reported.
PLAT881 Type_1 Report missing datum for _diffrn_reflns_av_R_equivalents
The merging R-factor for equivalent reflections is missing in the CIF. A value of 0.0 usually indicates that merging has been done outside the program that created the CIF. A proper value should be included as reported by the external merging program. Note: modern hardware will generally produce redundant reflection data.
PLAT882 Type_1 Report missing datum for _diffrn_reflns_av_unetI/netI
No value reported for either '_diffrn_reflns_av_unetI/netI' or the older/superseded _diffrn_reflns_av_sigmaI/netI CIF item.
PLAT883 Type_1 Report missing datum for _atom_sites_solution_primary
Please supply the proper info for '_atom_sites_solution_primary'. Values must be one of the following: difmap, vecmap, heavy, direct, geom, disper, isomor, notdet, dual, iterative, other.
PLAT898 Type_4 Check for duplicate H-M space group symbol
A second specification of the H-M symbol is found in the CIF. Only the first one encountered is retained.
PLAT899 Type_4 Report the Use of an older SHELXL version
A more recent SHELXL version is now available. Final refinement with the latest version is recommended since (IUCr) checkCIF is run against the latest SHELXL version for the re-creation of the FCF and its validation.
PLAT900 Type_1 Test for 'No-matching reflection file'
Likely cause: Dataset names in the CIF and FCF differ. Note: FCF Validation is Skipped for this Entry.
PLAT901 Type_1 Test for CIF & FCF CELL parameters not matching
Possible causes: wrong dataset, CIF or FCF parameters edited inconsistently or cell parameters for transformed cell (e.g. P21/n <-> P21/c). Note: FCF Validation is Skipped for this Entry.
PLAT902 Type_1 Test for non-zero number of recognised reflections in FCF
Either no reflections are found in the FCF or the FCF is uninterpretable due to unknown format or editing. Note: FCF Validation is Skipped for this Entry.
PLAT903 Type_1 Test for Fobs=Fcalc in FCF
Check the FCF file for F(obs) equal F(calc) [or F(obs)**2 equal F(calc)**2]. The FCF is obviously not created as the result of a refinement with regular observed data.
PLAT904 Type_1 Test for Nref > Npar in the CIF
The number of reflections found in the reflection file is less than the number of parameters reported in the CIF.
PLAT905 Type_3 Report negative K values in the Analysis of Variance
Scale Factors (i.e. K = Mean[F(obs)**2] / Mean [F(calc)**2]) for selected groups of reflections, as listed in the Analysis of Variance Section #7 of the FCF validation report, are expected to have a value of about 1.000. Strong deviations should be investigated, acted upon or explained. (see also SHELXL manual). A reason can be meaningless (weak) high order data where a cut-back of the resolution might be indicated. Incorrect background treatment can lead to numerous negative observed intensities for weak reflections (i.e. F(calc) close to zero. For details see the Analysis-of-Variance Section 7 in the validation '.ckf' file.
PLAT906 Type_3 Report Large K values in the Analysis of Variance
Scale Factors (i.e. K = Mean[F(obs)**2] / Mean [F(calc)**2]) for selected groups of reflections, as listed in the Analysis of Variance Section #7 of the FCF validation report, are expected to have a value of about 1.000. Strong deviations should be investigated, acted upon or explained. (see also SHELXL manual). For details see the Analysis-of-Variance Section 7 in the validation '.ckf' file.
PLAT907 Type_2 Check whether the structure needs to be inverted
A Flack x value generally indicates that the structure needs to be inverted. Check whether the Flack x value is unreliable due to a weak anomalous dispersion signal, systematic errors or weak data and against know absolute structure.
PLAT908 Type_2 Report on Max observed data in any resolution shell
A low maximum percentage of reflections with I > 2*s(I) may indicate: 1 - Missed translation symmetry. E.g. all reflections hkl weak for l = 2n +1 2 - Pseudo-merohedral twinning, index > 1. (e.g. non-spacegroup extinctions. 3 - Very weak observed data.
PLAT909 Type_3 Report about significant observed data beyond Theta-cutoff
This ALERT Reports on whether there is still a significant level of observed data beyond the Theta cutoff of the Dataset. There should be a good reason for a cutoff below sin(theta)/lambda = 0.6 Ang**-1. Reflection data beyond that value should not be removed when significantly above the noise level. E.g. they may be very relevant in case of pseudo- symmetry and (non)centrosymmetry refinement.
PLAT910 Type_3 Test for number of missing reflections below Theta(Min)
Possible causes: Experimental beamstop Theta(min) limit set too high; A large unit-cell causing reflections effected by the beamstop. A possible technical solution on CCD based equipment involves the collection of additional images with the detector at a larger distance from the crystal with the beamstop setting changed accordingly. Alternatively, a large number of low-order 'outlier' reflections might have been 'Omitted' deliberately from the (final) least-squares refinement. The test is against the actual Theta(Min) of the reflections in the '.fcf' file. See the '.ckf' file for details of the missing reflections. Good quality low order reflections might be relevant for SQUEEZE and similar solvent modelling refinement techniques.
PLAT911 Type_3 Test for missing reflections between Theta(Min)and Sin(Theta)/Lambda=0.6
Possible causes: Missing cusp of data (due to rotation about one axis), deleted (overflow) reflections or improper strategy (orthorhombic for monoclinic crystal etc.) See the '.ckf' file for details.
PLAT912 Type_4 Test for missing reflections above Sin(Theta)/Lambda = 0.6
Possible causes: Missing cusp of data (due to rotation about one axis), deleted (overflow) reflections or improper strategy (orthorhombic for monoclinic crystal etc.) See the '.ckf' file for details.
PLAT913 Type_3 Test for missing strong reflections
This ALERT reports the number of missing reflections with Fc**2 values greater than the largest F(calc)**2 value in the FCF. Possible causes: Missing cusp of data (due to rotation about one axis), deleted (overflow) reflections or improper strategy (orthorhombic for monoclinic crystal etc.) or behind the beamstop. See the '.ckf' file for details.
PLAT914 Type_3 Test for absence of Bijvoet Pairs in non-centro structure
This ALERT reflects the notion that a dataset should contain a sufficient number of Bijvoet (Friedel) pairs for the reliable determination of the absolute structure of a non-centrosymmetric crystal structure. This test is invoked when a Flack parameter value is specified. Note: SHELXL97 will calculate/report a Flack parameter value even for refinement against Friedel merged data. Remove the Flack entry from the CIF.
PLAT915 Type_3 Test for low Friedel pair coverage in non-centro structure
This ALERT reflects the notion that a dataset should contain a sufficient number of Bijvoet (Friedel) pairs for the reliable determination of the absolute structure of a non-centrosymmetric crystal structure. A Friedel coverage that deviates significantly from 100 percent may bias/invalidate the value of the Flack parameter.
PLAT916 Type_2 Test for differing Flack x and Hooft y parameter values
The Hooft y Parameter is calculated independently from the Bijvoet differences and should have a value similar (observing the s.u.'s) to that of the Flack x Parameter. See: Hooft, R.W.W, Straver, L.H. & Spek,A.L. (2008). J. Appl, Cryst. 41, 96-103. Thompson,A.L. & Watkin, D.J. (2009). Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, doi:10.1016/j.tetasy.2009.02.025. Large differences may arise in cases where the Flack parameter was not determined with a BASF/TWIN refinement or with essentially centrosymmetric data. See: Flack, H.D., Bernardinelli, G, Clemente, D.A., Linden, A. Spek, A.L. (2006) Acta Cryst. B62, 695-701.
PLAT917 Type_2 Test/report whether FCF is based on a BASF/TWIN refinement
The contribution of F(-h,-k,-l) to F(h,k,l) is likely not included in the '.fcf' file. This usually indicates that the Flack parameter was NOT determined with a BASF/TWIN type of refinement.
PLAT918 Type_3 Test for reflections with I(obs) << I(calc)
This ALERT reports on the number of reflections with (F(obs)**2 - F(calc)**2) / Sigma(F(obs)**2) < - 100.0. In case of strong reflections this might be due to extinction (to be addressed with the refinement of an extinction parameter. Otherwise those reflections are better removed from the final refinement since they are in systematic error. Of course, a valid reason for this problem should be found.
PLAT919 Type_3 Test for reflections affected by the beamstop
This ALERT reports the number of reflections with intensities seriously effected by the beamstop. Reflections are counted for which theta < 3 Degrees and (F(obs)**2 - F(calc)**2) / sqrt(weight) < - 10.0. Those reflections are better removed from the final refinement since they are in systematic error.
PLAT920 Type_1 Test for Theta(Max) consistency between CIF & FCF
Check reflection statistics of the data in the '.fcf' file for consistency with the data reported in the '.cif' file. A difference usually indicates an edited ',cif' file or an '.fcf' file that was not created in the same SHELXL run where the '.cif' file was created. In rare cases this ALERT may point to using a SHELXL TWIN instruction for handling a non-merohedral twin.
PLAT921 Type_1 Test for R1 Consistency between CIF & FCF (Optionally re-calculated)
Please check whether the supplied '.fcf' file corresponds with the '.cif' FILE produced in the same least squares refinement job. See at the end of Section #10 in the '.ckf' report file for details. The test is based on the observed and calculated F**2 in the '.fcf' file with weight parameters taken from the '.cif' file. Note: F(obs)^2 values in a SHELXL generated FCF are corrected for extinction.
PLAT922 Type_1 Test for wR2 consistency between CIF & FCF(Reported)
Please check whether the supplied '.fcf' file corresponds with the '.cif' file produced in the same least-squares refinement job. See at the end of Section #10 in the '.ckf' report file for details. The test is based on the observed and calculated F**2 in the '.fcf' file and de weight parameters taken from the '.cif' file.
PLAT923 Type_1 Test for S consistency between CIF & FCF(Reported)
Please check whether the supplied '.fcf' file corresponds with the '.cif' file produced in the same least-squares refinement job. See at the end of Section #10 in the '.ckf' report file for details. The test is based on the observed and calculated F**2 in the '.fcf' file and de weight parameters taken from the '.cif' file.
PLAT924 Type_1 Test for consistency of the reported & calculated Rho(min)
Check and Explain why the reported Rho(min) differs significantly from the value calculated on the basis of the reported structure (using the AIM model) Note: The Reported and Calculated values may differ slightly due to a differing peak interpolation algorithm, or significantly when the refinement is based on a non-spherical atom model.
PLAT925 Type_1 Test for consistency of the reported & calculated Rho(max)
Check and Explain why the reported Rho(max) differs significantly from the value calculated on the basis of the reported structure (using the AIM model) Note: The Reported and Calculated values may differ slightly due to a differing peak interpolation algorithm, or significantly when the refinement is based on a non-spherical atom model.
PLAT926 Type_1 Test for R1 consistency between CIF & FCF(Calculated)
Please check whether the R1 value that is reported in the CIF corresponds with the R1 value calculated from the parameters supplied in the CIF. See at the end of Section #10 in the '.ckf' report file for details. This test is based on the observed reflection data in the FCF and reflection data that are calculated with the parameters (i.e. coordinates, displacement and weight parameters) taken from the CIF.
PLAT927 Type_1 Test for wR2 consistency between CIF & FCF(Calculated)
Please check whether the wR2 value that is reported in the CIF corresponds with the wR2 value calculated from the parameters supplied in the CIF. See at the end of Section #10 in the '.ckf' report file for details. This test is based on the observed reflection data in the FCF and reflection data that are calculated with the parameters (i.e. coordinates, displacement and weight parameters) taken from the CIF.
PLAT928 Type_1 Test for S consistency between CIF & FCF(Calculated)
Please check whether the S value that is reported in the CIF corresponds with the S value calculated from the parameters supplied in the CIF. See at the end of Section #10 in the '.ckf' report file for details. This test is based on the observed reflection data in the FCF and reflection data that are calculated with the parameters (i.e. coordinates, displacement and weight parameters) taken from the CIF.
PLAT929 Type_5 Test for interpretable weight parameters for R1, wR2 & S comparison
SHELXL weight parameters are expected to be given in the format below: _refine_ls_weighting_details 'calc w=1/[\s^2^(Fo^2^)+(0.1000P)^2^+0.0000P] where P=(Fo^2^+2Fc^2^)/3' JANA style weighting is expected to be given in the format: _refine_ls_weighting_details 'w=1/(\s^2^(I)+0.0016I^2^)' Do not edit this string or make it into a text block between ';'.
PLAT930 Type_2 Test for missed twinning based on the analysis of the FCF data
Check the proposed Twin Law. The entry in () represents the proposed rotation axis in reciprocal space and the one in [] the corresponding rotation is direct space. The relevant Twin Matrix can be found in the file '.ckf'. Note: This analysis is based on F(obs)**2/F(calc)**2 differences with F(calc)**2 data taken from the '.fcf' file (i.e. F(obs), F(calc) listing). ALERT_930 is expected to generate an related ALERT-931 as well.
PLAT931 Type_5 Test for missed twinning from FCF/CIF data
Check the proposed Twin Law. The entry in () represents the proposed rotation axis in reciprocal space and the one in [] the corresponding rotation in direct space. The relevant Twin Matrix can be found in the '.ckf' file. Note: This test is based on F(calc)**2 values calculated with the data in the CIF. This ALERT can be ignored when twinning has been addressed in the refinement (As indicated by the Absence of ALERT_930). Please make sure that twinning is mentioned in the write-up of the structure report or paper.
PLAT933 Type_2 Report number of OMIT records in embedded .res file
This ALERT reports on the number of 'OMIT h k l' records (Reflections omitted from the least-squares refinement) in the CIF embedded '.res' file. Generally, there should be a good reason given for excluding those observed experimental data point such as (partial) obscuration by the beam stop.
PLAT934 Type_3 Report number of outliers in the FCF file
This ALERT reports on the number of reflections for which I(obs) and I(calc) differ more that 10 times SigmaW. (The latter being the square root of 1.0/weight for that reflection in the L.S. refinement). The reason for those deviations should be investigated. When shown to be systematic errors, those reflections are best removed from the refinement and their omission from the refinement reported in the experimental section of an associated paper.
PLAT935 Type_2 Pseudo extinction parameter test
Both significantly positive and significantly negative values should invoke a search for a likely cause and a corrective action.
PLAT936 Type_2 Test for DAMP instruction in embedded .res file
The reason for the use of a DAMP instruction in the final refinement job should be discussed/reported. 'DAMP 0.0' should not be used for small molecule refinement since it masks non-convergence.
PLAT937 Type_4 Report exponential term in SHELXL weight expression
The use of an exponential term in the SHELXL weight expression is not recommended in the final refinement stage (i.e. the third parameter in the SHELXL WGHT record).
PLAT939 Type_3 Test for high not weight optimized S value
SHELXL suggests/optimizes two weight parameters aiming at bringing the S value (Goodness-of-Fit) close to 1.0. This 939_ALERT reports the S value when based on the supplied Sigma(I) values only. A large value of this not weight optimized S generally indicates the presence of large outliers in the data set. Examples are reflections (partially) 'measured' behind the beam stop. (See also ALERT_919). The latter low order reflections are best left out from the final refinement with an OMIT hkl instruction.
PLAT940 Type_3 Test for wR2 refinement with all data
Apparently, observed data with I > n * Sigma(I) were used in the F**2 least squares refinement, rather than all observed data. Please ignore when the dataset is essentially complete (and all reflections used in the refinement 'observed'.
PLAT941 Type_3 Test for low measured hkl multiplicity
Multiple hkl measurements are advised, either of symmetry related reflections and/or at different psi angle values around the diffraction vector normal to the diffracting plane. A good multiplicity is needed for a meaningful multi-scan based correction for absorption. Details can be found in the '.ckf' file.
PLAT949 Type_5 Test for Poisson type intensity sigma distribution
Check the validity of the observed reflection data.
PLAT950 Type_5 Test for reported and calculated Hmax difference (from CIF data)
Reported (in the CIF) and Calculated (from Theta-max in CIF) Max(Hmax,-Hmin) values differ by at least one unit. Check the consistency of wavelength and reported resolution data items.
PLAT951 Type_5 Test for reported and calculated Kmax difference (from CIF data)
Reported (in the CIF) and Calculated (from Theta-max in CIF) Max(Kmax,-Kmin) values differ by at least one unit. Check the consistency of wavelength and reported resolution data items.
PLAT952 Type_5 Test for reported and calculated Lmax difference (from CIF Data)
Reported (in the CIF) and Calculated (from Theta-max in CIF) Max(Lmax,-Lmin) values differ by at least one unit. Check the consistency of wavelength and reported resolution data items.
PLAT953 Type_1 Test for reported (in CIF) and actual Hmax difference in the FCF File
Reported (in the CIF) and Actual (in the FCF) Max(Hmax,-Hmin) values differ by more than one unit. Check for data set truncation.
PLAT954 Type_1 Test for reported (in CIF) and actual Kmax difference in the FCF File
Reported (in the CIF) and Actual (in the FCF) Max(Kmax,-Kmin) values differ by more than one unit. Check for data set truncation.
PLAT955 Type_1 Test for reported (in CIF) and actual Lmax difference in the FCF file
Reported (in the CIF) and Actual (in the FCF) Max(Lmax,-Lmin) values differ by more than one unit. Check for data set truncation.
PLAT956 Type_1 Test for calculated (Theta-max) and actual Hmax difference in the FCF
Calculated (From Theta-Max in the CIF) and Actual (in the FCF) Max(Hmax,-Hmin) values differ by more than one unit. Check for data set truncation.
PLAT957 Type_1 Test for calculated (Theta-max) and actual Kmax difference in the FCF
Calculated (From Theta-Max in the CIF) and Actual (in the FCF) Max(Kmax,-Kmin) values differ by more than one unit. Check for data set truncation.
PLAT958 Type_1 Test for calculated (Theta-max) and actual Lmax difference in the FCF
Calculated (From Theta-max in the CIF) and Actual (in the FCF) Max(Lmax,-Lmin) values differ by more than one unit. Check for data set truncation.
PLAT960 Type_3 Test for reflections with I < -2*sigma(I)
Multiple strongly negative intensities may be indicative for poor integration of the diffraction images. Too many negative intensities may result in higher than usual wR2 values.
PLAT961 Type_5 Test for absence of negative observed intensities
Generally, both positive and slightly negative intensities are expected in a data set. Resetting negative intensities to zero may bias the refinement results and the 'analysis-of-variance' as reported e.g. in the SHELXL output listing.
PLAT962 Type_5 Test for input reflections with Sigma(I) = 0.0
Reflections with Sig(I) = 0.0 are suspect and best left out of the refinement. This type of reflections will result in multiple R & S-value difference ALERTS. Note: Sometimes such a 0.00 value may be related to the limited number of reported decimals in the FCF file as opposed to those in the unscaled unmerged HKL file.
PLAT963 Type_2 Test for both weighting parameter values zero (SHELXL)
Check unusual reported/refined zero SHELXL weight parameter values. Note: SHELXL will not refine to negative values.
PLAT964 Type_2 Test for consistency of SHELXL weight parameters in CIF & embedded .res
Two weight parameter values reported in the CIF weight expression string '_refine_ls_weighting_details' are found to differ from those archived in the WGHT parameter value list in the embedded ',res' file. The latter values are assumed to be the correct ones as part of the final refinement. Recreation of the FCF from the embedded '.ins' & '.hkl' files will result in inconsistent wR2 and S values and associated ALERTS in the checkCIF report when those weight parameter values differ. Please also check the proper format of the SHELXL weight expression string.
PLAT965 Type_2 Test whether the SHELXL weight optimisation has converged
This ALERT is raised when the weighting parameter values reported in the CIF embedded '.res' file for A or B as used in the SHELXL refinement differ significantly from those suggested at the end of the '.res' file.. Additional refinement cycles are advised using the (SHELXL) suggested new WGHT parameter values.
PLAT966 Type_5 Test/report OMIT threshold criterium value
The conventional OMIT threshold is I>2\s(I). This ALERT reports the use of a deviating value effecting e.g. the reported R1 value.
PLAT967 Type_5 Report theta cutoff (OMIT) record in embedded .res
In general, refinement with all experimental reflection data is advised. A theta_cutoff value may be considered to avoid refinement on noise for resolution shells with < 2*Sigma.
PLAT969 Type_5 Report 'Henn et al.' predicted and R-factor-gap values
Report on predicted wR2, based on counting statistics, or SHELXL style weighting as compared to the actual refined wR2. See: J.Henn & A.Schonleber, Acta Cryst. (2013) A69, 549-558.
PLAT970 Type_5 Test/report electron diffraction data
A structure based on electron diffraction is reported. Please check for the use of proper electron scattering factors in the refinement. X-ray scattering factors are not appropriate for a SHELXL based refinement.
PLAT971 Type_2 Test for large positive calcd residual density near a heavy atom site
A Larger than expected residual density maximum outside a heavy atom (metal) location is detected in an independently calculated difference density map (using the AIM model). Its distance to the heavy atom is typically at around 0.9 Ang. It is typically related to inadequate correction for absorption. Face indexing based correction might be needed for high mu * r samples. It might also be caused by unaccounted for twinning, disorder, wrongly assigned atom types, wrong symmetry, unaccounted for solvent and other model errors.
PLAT972 Type_2 Test for large negative calculated residual density outside metal loc.
Larger than expected residual density minimum outside metal atom locations. This might be caused by unaccounted for twinning, wrongly assigned atom types and other model errors. Note: This value is based on an Atom-in-Molecule (AIM) difference density map calculation and may differ significantly for a refinement using a non-spherical atom model.
PLAT973 Type_2 Test for large positive density on metal atom
Larger than expected residual density maximum on metal atom location. This might be caused by unaccounted for twinning, wrongly assigned atom types and other model errors. Another cause may be a SHELXL 'DAMP 0 0' instruction for a non-converged refinement.
PLAT974 Type_2 Test for large negative density close to metal atom
Larger than expected residual density minimum on metal atom location. This might be caused by unaccounted for twinning, wrongly assigned atom types and other model errors. Another cause may be a SHELXL 'DAMP 0 0' instruction for a non-converged refinement.
PLAT975 Type_2 Test for positive density near N or O
Positive density found in a difference density map at a position within bonding distance for a H-atom from a nitrogen or oxygen atom. A possible reason can be a missing hydrogen atom. Also check for tautomerism.
PLAT976 Type_2 Test for negative density near N or O
Negative density found in a difference density map at a location within bonding distance for a H-atom from a nitrogen or oxygen atom. A possible reason can be a misassigned H-atom. Also check for tautomerism.
PLAT977 Type_2 Test for negative density on H-atom positions
Negative density found in a difference density map at a H-atom location. A reason might be an incorrect AFIX instruction.
PLAT978 Type_2 Report number of cases with positive density on C-C bonds
Difference density maps generally show residual densities on C-C bonds when a structure is refined with the AIM model. A significant number of those may indicate good data. Cases where this number is zero should be investigated for the reason. The use of aspherical scattering factors in the refinement model may be one.
PLAT979 Type_1 Report the use of NoSpherA2 scattering factors
Non-spherical scattering factors were used in the refinement. Some ALERTS that assume spherical scattering factors are suppressed.
PLAT980 Type_1 Test for non-zero number of anomalous scattering factors
Check for missing anomalous scattering factors.
PLAT981 Type_1 Test for non-zero f" anomalous scattering factor values
Check for non-zero f" anomalous scattering factor values in the CIF. Note: Zero values are correct for SHELXL MERG 4 refinements.
PLAT982 Type_1 Test the anomalous scattering factor f' values against Int. Tables
Check the supplied anomalous scattering factor f' value against the International Tables tabulated value. Also check whether the CIF and embedded RES reported wavelengths are correct/consistent.
PLAT983 Type_1 Test the anomalous scattering factor f" values against Int. Tables
Check the supplied anomalous scattering factor f'' value against the International Tables tabulated value. Also check whether the CIF and embedded RES reported wavelengths are correct/consistent.
PLAT984 Type_1 Test the anomalous scattering factor f' value against Brennan & Cowan
Check the supplied anomalous scattering factor f' value for the non CuKa, GaKa, MoKa, AgKa, InKa wavelength against those of S. Brennan & P.L. Cowan (1992). Rev. Sci. Instr., 63, 850-853.
PLAT985 Type_1 Test the anomalous scattering factor f" value against Brennan & Cowan
Check the supplied anomalous scattering factor f'' value for the non CuKa, GaKa, MoKa, AgKa, InKa wavelength against those of S. Brennan & P.L. Cowan (1992). Rev. Sci. Instr., 63, 850-853.
PLAT986 Type_1 Test for non-zero f' anomalous scattering factor values
Check for non-zero f' anomalous scattering factor values in the CIF.
PLAT987 Type_1 Test for the need of a TWIN/BASF refinement
A BASF/TWIN refinement of the Flack x parameter is indicated when its value deviates significantly from zero as measured against its associated s.u. value. This applies in particular for structures containing significant anomalous scatterers. With a default SHELXL refinement, the Flack x parameter value is not taken into account in the refinement model as part of the calculation of F(calc) and the creation of the FCF file. Inclusion of a Flack x in the refinement model that deviates significantly from zero will lead to lower R-values and a better model.
PLAT988 Type_1 Report the use of supplied f' for missing internaly calculated value
Check the supplied anomalous scattering factor f' value for the reported wavelength. (No internally calculated f' value available).
PLAT989 Type_1 Report the use of supplied f'' for missing internaly calculated value
Check the supplied anomalous scattering factor f'' value for the reported wavelength. (No internally calculated f'' value available).
PLAT990 Type_1 Report deprecated .res file based SQUEEZE job
SQUEEZE jobs should as of the availability of SHELXL20xy be based on the use of a CIF+FCF created in a SHELXL20xy refinement. See A.L.Spek (2015) Acta Cryst. C71, 9-18.
PLAT991 Type_5 Report on generated hkl data supplied as observed hkl data
Warning that the reflection data are not experimental but calculated. Those data are just meant to be used as test data.
PLAT992 Type_5 Report difference between reported and actual _reflns_number_gt values
The CIF Reported and actual (in the FCF) '_reflns_number_gt' values are found to differ. R1 values are calculated by checkCIF to cross-checking with the R1 value as reported in the CIF. The number of 'observed' reflections that goes into that calculation is based on the criterium I > 2.0 * Sigma(I). A refinement program like SHELXL uses F(obs) > 4.0 * Sigma(F(obs)) as 'observed' criterium in its calculation of R1. Both numbers may differ slightly for numerical reasons. Large differences may point to inconsistencies between the CIF and FCF that need to be investigated.
PLAT993 Type_1 Report missing .bodd include file for IDEAL refinement
The CIF-embedded .res file includes a call for a .bodd include file. Such a file is not found externally or CIF-embedded. Without this file, the details of the refinement are not complete and no .fcf can be created.
PLAT994 Type_1 Report missing SHELXL/MERG instruction
A SHELXL job generally includes a MERG instruction. If not, the refinement and 'LIST 4' FCF will include redundant reflections (i.e. refinement on more than the unique set of reflections.)
PLAT996 Type_1 Test validity of SHELXL Style 'LIST 4' Fo/Fc FCF File
A SHELXL 'LIST 4' Style FCF File should comply with the SHELXL Format. This implies that an FCF should include only a unique set of reflections. For non-centrosymmetric structures, Friedel pairs should be included.
PLAT997 Type_1 Test for acceptable CIF/FCF file combination for SHELXL
The CIF file reports refinement with SHELXL whereas the supplied reflection file is not of the SHELXL 'LIST 4' or 'LIST 8' type. Proper FCF validation is not possible with the alternative LIST options.
PLAT998 Type_1 Test for 'LIST 3' style reflection file
IUCr CheckCIF validation requires SHELXL 'LIST 4', 'LIST 8' or Equivalent Fo**2,Fc**2, Sigma(Fo**2) reflection files.
PLAT999 Type_1 Test for 'LIST 6' style reflection file
IUCr CheckCIF validation requires SHELXL 'LIST 4', 'LIST 8' or equivalent Fo**2,Fc**2, Sigma(Fo**2) reflection files. The 'LIST 6' style file has the dispersion contribution removed making this file unsuitable for external Analysis-of-Variance type of analysis and validation of the final refinement.