guidelines for biological crystal structures
Standard experimental tables for biological crystal structures
Each article reporting a biological crystal structure will normally
include standard experimental tables as shown below. Templates and
tools for producing these tables can be found in our Word template at
Helpful notes and/or examples are given in the second column.
If the macromolecule production and crystallization information are
given in a previous publication then this should be cited. In such cases, Tables 1 and 2 do not need to be included in your article.
Source organism
DNA source
Expression vector
Plasmid construction method
gene synthesis, restriction-ligation, Gibson assembly, Golden Gate assembly
Forward primer (if restriction-ligation)
In the primers, indicate any restriction sites, cleavage sites or introduction of additional residues, e.g. His6 tag
Reverse primer (if restriction-ligation)
Expression host
Expression details
e.g. kifunensine included; SeMet instead of Met; autoinduction media etc.
Complete amino-acid sequence of the protein produced
Plate type
Temperature (°C)
Protein concentration
Buffer composition of protein solution
Composition of reservoir solution
Volume and ratio of drop
Volume of reservoir
Composition of the cryoprotectant
Drop setting
Specify if manual, or give the name of the robot
Diffraction source
Wavelength (Å)
Temperature (K)
Crystal to detector distance (mm)
Total rotation range (°)
Exposure time per degree (s) or rotation per
image (°)
Only include one of these
Exposure time per image (s)
Space group
a, b, c (Å)
α β, γ (°)
Mosaicity (°)
Resolution range (Å)
Indicate any post-processing of data, including anisotropy correction, including resolution limits and completeness in all dimensions
Total no. of reflections
No. of unique reflections
Completeness (%)
from merged data
or Rmeas
Overall B factor from Wilson plot (Å2)
Resolution range (Å)
Completeness (%)
No. of reflections, working set
No. of reflections, test set
Final Rcryst
Final Rfree
No. of non-H atoms
Protein/nucleic acid
R.m.s. deviations from ideality
Cite the source of restraints/definitions
Bonds (Å)
Angles (°)
Average B factors (Å2)
Protein/nucleic acid
Ramachandran plot
Cite the source of restraints/definitions
Favoured regions (%)
Outliers (%)
Unmodelled/incomplete residues (%)