NIH public access policy

IUCr journals provide a service to authors of all NIH-funded articles by arranging deposition of the final published version of such articles in PubMed Central in compliance with NIH Public Access Policy.
Authors of NIH-funded articles are recommended to make their articles open access. IUCr open-access articles are deposited with PubMed Central on publication and benefit from immediate release by PubMed Central. Other benefits of open-access publication include higher visibility of publications, higher citation rates of open-access publications and access to literature for scientists in the developing world. A summary of the open-access arrangements for IUCr Journals can be found at
For authors who do not opt for open access, the IUCr will also deposit NIH-funded articles with PubMed Central. The articles will be released by PubMed Central one year after publication.
For each NIH-funded article, the IUCr handles the deposition with PubMed Central on behalf of the author. The IUCr provides PubMed Central with a rich set of information for each article. In addition to having the article available as a PDF, the IUCr provides an XML version of the article prepared to PubMed Central requirements plus supplementary information and other files such as high-resolution copies of the figures used in producing the journal.
How to find a PMCID reference number
Authors can locate PubMed Central reference numbers (PMCIDs) by searching for their publication in PubMed. The PMCID displays on the abstract page on the lower right-hand side of the page. If the publication is not yet available for viewing in PubMed Central, the PubMed record will display the date that the publication will be available for viewing.
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