issue contents

Journal logoSTRUCTURAL
ISSN: 2053-2296

November 2005 issue

Highlighted illustration

Cover illustration: The mol­ecular structure of methanol(phthalocyaninato)magnesium(II), drawn with 50% probability displacement ellipsoids, showing a near-perfect square-pyramidal geometry at magnesium. See Guzei, McGaff & Kieler [Acta Cryst. (2005), C61, m472–m475].

inorganic compounds

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Ga(IO3)3 crystallizes in the space group P63, with the Ga atom at a site with imposed threefold symmetry. The crystal structure consists of slightly distorted GaO6 octa­hedra that are bridged by the I atoms of IO3 groups, giving rise to a three-dimensional polar network.

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The crystal structures of K2nCoMo2+nO7+4n compounds are compared for n = 2, 3 and 5. All are built up from face-sharing [MoO6] and [CoO6] octa­hedra, the latter sharing corners with six [MoO4] tetra­hedra, which differ in the connectivity of the octa­hedral units via the tetra­hedra.

metal-organic compounds

organic compounds


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NMR Crystallography (March 2017)

Scorpionates: a golden anniversary (November 2016)

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An interesting collection of previously published articles features Coordination polymers, with an introduction by Len Barbour.

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