issue contents

ISSN: 2053-230X

February 2025 issue

Highlighted illustration

Cover illustration: Modification of His15 of hen egg-white lysozyme uing iodoacetamide led to crystals with similar unit-cell parameters as the unmodified protein but that belonged to a different crystal system [Malanho da Silva et al. (2025), Acta Cryst. F81, 41–46].

research communications

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tRNA 2-selenouridine synthase (SelU) produces a 5-substituted 2-selenouridine at the tRNA wobble position, which can fine-tune translation. Crystals of the SelU–tRNA complex were obtained and the initial structure was determined at 3.10 Å resolution.

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Chemical modification of lysozyme at His15 using iodoacetamide was investigated structurally. Crystallization of the chemically modified enzyme using a protocol which yields tetragonal crystals gave orthorhombic crystals with similar unit-cell parameters.

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Contaminating proteins from the expression source may inadvertently crystallize instead of the target protein of interest. Two novel crystal forms of E. coli carbonic anhydrase 2, as well as a high-resolution (1.43 Å) structure of the enzyme, are reported.

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TDE0362 is an essential factor for the pathogenicity of T. denticola in oral bacterial disease. This work provides insights into the regulatory mechanism of TDE0362 and identifies putative substrate-binding interfaces which could be used to guide further research towards inhibition of this enzyme.

methods communications

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