CIF information
This page provides information on how to prepare your CIF for publication, various facilities for editing and checking your CIF, and links to other CIF resources.
How to prepare your CIF
CIF templates
Example CIFs
- Greek letters and special symbols
- Extra tables in CIF
Standard data codes and keywords
- Author checklist
- Data requirements
- Required data items
- Hydrogen-bond considerations
- Tips for finalizing refinement
- Advantages of upgrading from SHELXL-97 to SHELXL-2014
- Combine multiple CIFs (catCIF)
Editing your CIF
How to use the checkcif and printcif facilities
Other information
- Data validation criteria
- Search for a CIF data name
- CIFs for powder diffraction papers
- Validate incommensurate CIF (B-IncStrDB)
- CIF home page