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ISSN: 2052-2525

November 2024 issue

Early view articles

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We provide the structure of MltG of the lytic transglycosyl­ase family in this study. We show that MltG has a flexible peptidoglycan-binding domain and exists as a monomer in solution. Further, the putative active site of Mycobacterium abscessus MltG has been revealed using structural analysis and sequence comparison. This research significantly advances our comprehension of the transglycosyl­ation process mediated by the MltG family, providing valuable insights that can inform the development of next-generation antibiotics to specifically target M. abscessus.

research papers

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We show that the modulated phase transitions in solid solutions of [CH3NH3]CoxNi1−x(HCOO)3, with x = 0.25 (1), x = 0.50 (2) and x = 0.75 (3), can be tuned by the metal ratio, which offers the opportunity to consciously build molecular compounds with adjustable properties by doping metal sites.
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