issue contents

ISSN: 2052-2525

September 2024 issue

Early view articles

Journal cover

topical reviews

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In structural biology, the analogy of a key (ligand) fitting a lock (protein) is commonly used to describe the binding process. In this context, we illustrate the evolutionary development of diverse locks that exhibit specific binding to a shared key: Neu5Ac. The intricate specificity of the interaction between various locks and the common key (Neu5Ac) is explored in our review.

research letters

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A near-atomic resolution map was obtained for lumazine synthase while benchmarking a new microscope. At this resolution, waters, ligands and hydrogens were visible. A detailed outline of the methods used is presented that can employed for any single-particle cryo-EM experiment.

research papers

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Time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography experiments can be performed with samples delivered on solid supports. Sample consumption is significantly reduced when compared with the popular crystal-delivery system via high-viscosity extrusion.

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Consensus small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data from five proteins in solution, generated from 171 independent measurements on 12 beamlines using a maximum likelihood method, are used to benchmark computational methods for predicting SAXS profiles from atomic coordinates. The results reveal important strengths and limitations of different methods that are serving a growing community of users in applications ranging from fundamental integrative structural biology to drug discovery and development.

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The determination of a challenging structure in the P1 space group, the lowest symmetry possible, shows how our in situ serial crystallography approach expands the application of crystallization plates as a robust sample delivery method.
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