issue contents
May 2017 issue

Cover illustration: Mosaic tomography images (see Vescovi, Cardoso and Miqueles, pages pages 686-694). These virtual slice images demonstrate an approach to imaging objects much larger than the synchrotron beam size with automated registration and stitching. The figure shows a mosaic projection of a rosary seed (top left), a mosaic tomography reconstruction of a rosary seed (top right), a wood fiber (bottom left) and a beetle (bottom right) sample.
facility information
research papers
Fluid dynamics simulations of the short time-scale (microseconds and longer) evolution of the density and temperature distributions in a gas attenuator for X-ray free-electron lasers under high-repetition-rate pulsed operation are presented along with comparisons using continuous-wave inputs.

Two types of optical choppers for time-resolved measurements in soft X-ray beamlines of synchrotron radiation facilities were developed, which are utilized under ultra-high-vacuum conditions.
The coherent fraction of the X-ray undulator radiation in a fourth-generation storage ring is analyzed through numerical simulation and analytical models.
This work presents X-ray footprinting of biomolecules performed for the first time at the X-ray Metrology beamline at the SOLEIL synchrotron. Protein–protein interactions and protein–lipid assemblies were studied.
A modified Fresnel zone plate has been developed to realise Gaussian beam optics in the hard X-ray region. Optical properties have been evaluated using X-ray microbeam optics.
An X-ray condenser based on gratings has been successfully fabricated and its optical character measured.

This theory demonstrates the existence of a variable transverse K gradient in Apple-type undulators. It is supported by numerical simulations to assess the limits of this analytical approach.
A new definition of the effective aperture of the X-ray compound refractive lens is proposed.

Optical metrology and finite-element analysis studies of two actively bent X-ray mirrors are presented. Each 900 mm-long mirror can be mechanically bent to a range of elliptical profiles with state-of-the-art slope errors of <200 nrad r.m.s.
A ray-tracing algorithm is proposed to support the design of X-ray powder diffraction beamlines. The instrumental profile function can be predicted, and the contribution of all optical components and physical effects singled out.

The concept and practical implementation of a system for remote monitoring of the temperature of protein crystals down to 10 K using a microscopic bismuth germanate scintillation sensor are presented.
Development of a high-pressure rheometer for in situ X-ray scattering experiments.
X-ray radiolysis of a Cu(CH3COO)2 solution was observed to produce caltrop-shaped particles of cupric oxide (CuO).
Advances in testing the effect of acceleration on time dilation using a synchrotron Mössbauer source
New results, additional techniques and know-how acquired, developed and employed in a recent HC-1898 experiment at the Nuclear Resonance Beamline ID18 of ESRF are presented, in the quest to explore the acceleration effect on time dilation.
The detection of transient X-ray absorption spectroscopy has been realised using a high-repetition-rate laser pump/X-ray probe method at a wiggler beamline. A picosecond X-ray absorption near-edge spectrum was obtained for a photo-induced spin-crossover iron complex.
A new QXAFS system has been established at Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility for time-resolved XAFS studies.

A K-edge subtraction imaging approach for respiratory-gated lung imaging using iodine and xenon contrast agents in a rodent model is presented.
A hybrid method to stitch X-ray computed tomography datasets is proposed and the feasibility to apply the scheme in a synchrotron tomography beamline with micrometre resolution is shown.
short communications

The objective here is to investigate hard X-ray induced damage on the carbon–binder matrix in Li-ion battery cells in situ and find ways to avoid the damage. The radiation damage on the carbon–binder matrix during TXM tomography can be avoided by minimizing the accumulated X-ray dose and choosing intermittent X-ray exposure.
An experimental system has been developed at beamline 4W2 of the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility to perform high-pressure single-crystal diffraction. The design and operation of this system are reported together with a recent result to illustrate its performance.
Detailed information is provided regarding the current status and performance of the SUT-NANOTEC-SLRI beamline, at the Synchrotron Light Research Institute (Thailand), for X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the photon energy range 1.25–10 keV.
computer programs
The finite-element analysis (FEA) model provides a basic tool for predicting the temperature, deformation, strain and stress distribution properties of synchrotron radiation optics under heat load. By use of ANSYS layer-functioned elements, a FEA model of multilayer X-ray optics has been implemented in this work.
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