issue contents

Journal logoJOURNAL OF
ISSN: 1600-5775

November 2024 issue

Early view articles

Journal cover

facility information


J. Synchrotron Rad. (2024). 31
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Reminiscences of one of the founding Main Editors of JSR on its 30th anniversary.

PhotonMEADOW2023 workshop

J. Synchrotron Rad. (2024). 31

research papers

J. Synchrotron Rad. (2024). 31
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A high-transmission soft X-ray spectrometer has been developed and commissioned at the X-SPEC beamline of the KIT Light Source. With this spectrometer, single spectra can be measured with exposure times well below 1 s, allowing the rapid collection of full resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering maps in less than one minute.

J. Synchrotron Rad. (2024). 31
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Neutralization of acidic solutions containing U (IV) and Ce (III) at room temperature in glove box atmosphere and in the presence of di­thio­nite results in coprecipitation of these elements as amorphous solid solutions CexU1–xOy. The solids were investigated by a variety of methods to determine the nature of the solid solutions formed, their composition and the valence state of Ce and U.

J. Synchrotron Rad. (2024). 31
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Compared with traditional imaging methods, the non-local characteristics of ghost imaging have the ability to greatly reduce the radiation dose of X-ray imaging in principle, and has important application prospects in radiation-sensitive fields such as biomedicine. Here a specially developed beam splitter applicable for the efficient implementation of X-ray ghost imaging is described.

J. Synchrotron Rad. (2024). 31
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We have developed and successfully tested new environmental liquid cells for HAXPES studies using specially designed thin, low-stress silicon nitride membranes (15 to 25 nm thickness). The novel aspect is the fabrication of the membranes considering the geometry of the experimental setup, the dimensions of the beam and the use of platinum stripes to efficiently localize the membranes. The membranes are robust, able to withstand the 1 bar pressure difference between the liquid and vacuum, and the intense beam.

short communications

J. Synchrotron Rad. (2024). 31
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A novel in situ/operando method is introduced to measure the photon beam stability of synchrotron radiation, which can provide a fast way to measure the beam stability of different light sources including bending magnet and undulator with meV-level energy resolution and ms-level time response.

J. Synchrotron Rad. (2024). 31
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By thermal analysis of the reflection mirror in a free-electron laser under high repetition rates within the fluid and solid heat transfer method, the water temperature increase of the cooling tube was found to influence the wall temperature of the fluid–solid interface and results in an asymmetrical temperature distribution of the footprint centreline in the mirror. Here, a more accurate thermal analysis of the reflection mirror under a high heat load is presented that will improve the cooling scheme design of the mirror.
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