co-editor appointment letters
Examples of recent invites are as follows.
Dear ???
We are writing to you because we hope you will consider joining the Editorial Board of ..... as a Co-editor. If you agree, your name will be put forward by the Editor-in-chief of IUCr Journals to the IUCr Executive Committee which makes the final decisions on all such appointments. If you are interested, please send us your CV and publication list, and we will pass them on to the Editor- in-chief.
A Co-editor would normally handle between 6 and 12 papers per year. For each submission the Co-editor should select at least two independent reviewers: for an article to be accepted for publication we normally require two firm concurring recommendations. Co-editors do not normally act as reviewers, but could do so for articles that lie particularly within their areas of expertise.
We do not believe that being an ????? Co-editor carries a heavy workload, but it does mean dealing with papers promptly in order to maintain the journal?s short publication times. Co-editors can arrange not to receive any new papers when they are on leave or if they are especially busy with other things.
All Co-editors are members of the IUCr Commission on Journals. We hope that they will be able to contribute to the development of the journal not only through their direct editorial work but also by making suggestions for Lead Articles and Special Issues, encouraging high-quality submissions and promoting the journal wherever the opportunity arises.
We look forward to hearing from you and we very much hope that you will be able to join our team of Co-editors. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Dear ???
Dear ???
As Section Editors, .... and I have been discussing the Editorial needs of ... and would like to invite you to become a Co-editor of the journal.
Of course, I know that you are very well aware of what ... stands for. We publish both methods papers in biological crystallography and reports on the structural analyses of biological molecules. With your background both in developing novel methods and in determining difficult, high-impact structures, you would make an excellent addition to the team.
Typically the work load might involve handling up to a maximum of 15-20 submitted articles per year, choosing appropriate referees and taking the decisions on acceptance, revision or rejection. Promptness is important but the accuracy and quality of articles is paramount. There is a small honorarium paid for each article handled (approx $30 each one) and you can receive your own personal eaccess to the IUCr Journals suite. The precise details of the mechanisms through which papers are handled and the interactions that you would have with the IUCr Journals office can be obtained from Louise Jones at IUCr Chester, the Head of Publishing Operations of IUCr Journals ( The on-line submission system works well and is constantly being improved.
We would be delighted if you were willing to serve in this role, and are able to accept. The workload is not great, and we would love to have you work with us and contribute to the further advancement of the journal. Please can you let me know as soon as possible. If you are willing, could you let me have a copy of your CV, so that I can submit it to the Executive Committee of the IUCr, who must give the final formal approval.
Thank you very much, and best regards