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ISSN: 1600-5775

PhotonMEADOW2023 Joint Workshop

Edited by E. Plönjes, J. Grünert, P. Juranić, K. Tiedtke and M. Zangrando

This virtual issue contains articles from the PhotonMEADOW2023 joint workshop, hosted by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics on 12–14 September 2023.

Highlighted illustration

Cover illustration: Group photograph from the PhotonMEADOW2023 Joint Workshop.

facility information

J. Synchrotron Rad. (2024). 31

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Mirror modules for the optics of the X-ray observatory NewAthena are assembled and characterized at dedicated synchrotron radiation beamlines. The reflectance of a fully assembled and coated module was determined in a wide energy range.

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A review of the history of ion beam figuring and current developments is presented, with a focus on the production of high-quality X-ray optics.

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Recent advancements are presented for an ion beam figuring system developed at Diamond Light Source, demonstrating surface correction of X-ray mirrors to achieve sub-nanometre r.m.s. height errors and <50 nrad r.m.s. slope errors.

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A state-of-the-art multilayer deposition system has been developed at Diamond Light Source; this instrument is engineered to produce single and multilayer coatings, accommodating mirrors up to 2000 mm in length through the utilization of eight rectangular cathodes.

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MLgrating, a MATLAB program for simulating multilayer grating efficiencies, is presented.

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An iterative method to accurately map wavefront slope measurements from a downstream wavefront random modulator to a curved X-ray mirror surface is presented, addressing a significant challenge in at-wavelength metrology. The results show a substantial improvement over conventional approaches, enhancing the precision of at-wavelength metrology techniques for improved beamline operations.

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A neural network trained with a few thousand simulations using random errors is demonstrated to predict accurately the lens error profile that accounts for all aberrations of a compound refractive lens in a synchrotron beamline.

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The beam shaping optics of synchrotrons and X-ray free-electron lasers are routinely measured using deflectometric profilometers, which use autocollimators to evaluate the surface slope from the displacement of a reticle image on a detector. Here, novel strategies to reduce systematic measurement errors by using a set of overlapping images of the reticle obtained at different positions on the detector, which can reduce the systematic errors by up to a factor of four to five without recourse to external measurements, are discussed.

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By utilizing the active Kirkpatrick–Baez optical system in collimation mode coupled with a spiral zone plate, orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams have been successfully generated and characterized. The reported findings are relevant for future experiments on OAM structured beams.

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An open-source Python package for X-ray wavefront sensing using speckle-based techniques, namely spexwavepy, has been presented.

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A quick way of wavefront error analysis of a focusing optics using SHADOW is presented, that is required for fourth-generation light sources. The method is developed to optimize the focal spot and intensity of a non-ideal optics by designing a customized phase corrector.

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Phase retrieval at an axisymmetric ellipsoidal mirror is demonstrated with soft X-rays (277 eV), completed by a reconstruction of the focus as well as figure and alignment error of the mirror. Based on simple measurements of the cross-focal, three-dimensional intensity distribution, an intuitive algorithm is proposed which combines the advantages of high resolution, sensitivity and reliability even under difficult conditions like a low source flux or weak spatial coherence.

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Wavefront propagation studies show that apertures in the laser injection path into photoinjector electron guns result in spatial ripples in relay-imaged cut-Gaussian profiles. The effect on electron beam properties depends on the extent to which space charge washes out the corresponding ripples in the emitted electron bunch, but could significantly negatively impact the quality of the electron bunch.

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The application of a machine learning approach for the automated alignment of a soft X-ray spectrometer is showcased. Our method has been validated with experimental data at the beamline and significantly reduces the alignment time from approximately one hour to just a few minutes.

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The operation of X-ray gas monitors at the European XFEL at hard photon energies up to 30 keV is described, and the possibilities and limitations for future operation up to 50 keV are discussed.

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An X-ray ionization beam position monitor developed for PAL-XFEL soft X-rays is introduced.

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Diamond sensors have been developed and tested for operation with high-energy X-ray beams at the European XFEL.

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Single-shot damage of an 200 nm-thick Au thin film is experimentally studied with a UV FEL of 121.6 nm wavelength and 2 ps pulse length. The characterized, as well as visually observed, phenomena are analyzed with multiple theoretical approaches.

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The damage threshold fluences of silicon (Si) and boron carbide (B4C)-coated Si at 1 keV and 9 mrad grazing incident angle are compared. Results show that B4C has a damage threshold approximately twice that of Si, highlighting the advantages of using B4C coatings for enhanced durability.
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