issue contents

ISSN: 2052-5206

October 2024 issue

Early view articles

Journal cover

scientific comment

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Comment on the use of irreducible representations to denote tilting of octahedra in perovskites.

topical reviews

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Conventional d-spacing and relative intensity data found in the Powder Diffraction File database are enhanced with the inclusion of raw diffraction data, especially in characterizing samples with poor crystallinity, disorder, and interesting microstructure.

magnetic structures

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After reviewing the historical unjustified antagonism between the application of magnetic symmetry groups and representation analysis in the investigation of magnetic structures, we highlight the progress achieved in recent years by moving beyond this entrenched divide and applying both concepts together in a complementary manner.

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The magnetic structure of LuCrO3 has G-type antiferromagnetic ordering, with Cr3+ moments approximately aligned along the b axis, and a subtle canting along c. The Néel temperature increases from 112.6 K to 116.0 K upon pressure (up to 1.45 GPa).

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The magnetic and crystal structures of manganese and nickel monoxides have been analysed for possible multi-k solutions and compared with high-resolution neutron diffraction data.

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Magnetic structure study on the noncentrosymmetric magnet Sr2MnSi2O7 using irreducible representation and magnetic space group analyses based on data from neutron diffraction, and magnetometry measurements

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The mathematical structure, description and classification of magnetic space groups are briefly reviewed, with special emphasis on the new unified (UNI) magnetic space-group symbols.

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The magnetic option of the crystallographic program JANA2020 is a specific tool for solution, analysis, and description of modulated and non-modulated magnetic structures.

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Possible commensurate magnetic structures from neutron powder diffraction data are explored via the Bilbao Crystallographic Server tool k-SUBGROUPSMAG called from within GSAS-II, which allows easy survey of the results and selection of the best magnetic structure model.

short communications

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An exhaustive search for missing symmetry was performed for 223 076 entries of the ICSD. About 0.65% of the entries can be described with higher symmetry than reported. It is proposed that the information is included in the ICSD.

research papers

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A new example of a previously reported decavanadate framework contains substitutionally disordered guanylurea and biguanide. This disorder necessitates two lattice charge balance situations and suggests a biguanide–decavanadate synthon.

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Sr2La2NiW2O12 is synthesized and compared with Ba2La2NiW2O12 as a chemical-pressure analog in order to draw conclusions about the structure–property relationships regarding the triangular magnetism of the Ni sublattice.

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The first example of a silicate based on [Si6O19] oligomers is described in detail. The relative stability of [Si6O19] units compared to cyclic [Si6O18] rings is discussed using concepts from the electronegativity equalization method.

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The synthesis, single-crystal structure and property characterization of a new mixed metal organic–inorganic hybrid crystal containing cobalt and vanadium, specifically 2[Co(en)3](V4O13)·4H2O, are presented.

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Thio­phosgene crystallizes in space group P63/m with two rotationally disordered molecules in the unit cell. The IR, Raman and inelastic neutron scattering spectra of solid thiophosgene are reported for the first time.

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The crystal structure of novel quaternary intermetallic compounds R2MoSi2C (R = Y, Gd) has been investigated using single crystal X-ray diffraction. These new carbides crystallize in the tetragonal space group P4/mbm.
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