issue contents
January 2012 issue

Cover illustration: A 2.2 Å resolution electron density map from AcNiR S-SAD experiments at SOLEIL using = 2.07 Å (see Doutch, Hough, Hasnain and Strange, pages 19-29). Two-thirds of the side chains could be automatically fitted.
facility information
research papers

Low-frequency noise present in the electron and photon beams of two comparable storage rings, SOLEIL and SLS, are carefully compared in the context of IR spectroscopy using the Fourier transform technique.
Present beamline characteristics, recent technical developments and a few recent scientific examples of the hard X-ray microprobe ID22 of the ESRF are described.
A snapshot of current beamline and software capabilities for automated methods in S-SAD is presented.
The high-resolution diffraction beamline P08 at the third-generation synchrotron radiation source PETRA III has become operational. It offers a six-circle and a liquid diffractometer for investigating the structure of condensed matter.
This paper describes the design and construction of a new molten salt cell and furnace, which together allow individual cell components such as anodes and cathodes to be studied in situ using synchrotron-based energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction. The performance of this equipment is demonstrated by an in situ study of a model inert anode within an operational Fray–Farthing–Chen Cambridge titanium electrowinning cell, using the JEEP beamline at the Diamond Light Source.
A Kelvin probe set-up has been integrated at a synchrotron beamline. The in situ combination of Kelvin probe and X-ray techniques revealed surface/interface charging at the irradiated zone.

A novel automatic measurement system has been developed, in which the XAFS measurement of up to 80 samples in transmission and fluorescence modes can be carried out.
A new radiotherapy technique, minibeam radiation therapy, combining submillimetric field sizes and a spatial fractionation of the dose is under development at the biomedical beamline of the ESRF. Here the therapeutic effectiveness of single-fraction minibeam radiation therapy on 9L gliosarcoma-bearing rats is assessed.
In coherent scattering from a material with only short-range order, it is shown that there exists an `intermediate-field' regime in which the ensemble averages of the scattered intensity and of the structure factor are equal. In addition, the ensemble-averaged temporal correlations of the intensity and of the structure factor are equal.
In situ Co K-edge quick-XAFS coupled with temperature-programmed oxidation has revealed the importance of the Co oxide–polymer interaction during calcination in enhancing Co dispersion of the glycol modified Co/SiO2 Fischer–Tropsch synthesis catalyst.
It is shown that a refractive lens can focus the initial X-ray free-electron laser pulses of duration 0.3 fs to the same size as for a monochromatic beam. A general semi-analytical method of calculating the propagation of XFEL pulses through a system of refractive lenses is developed.
A portable powder–liquid high-corrosion-resistant reaction cell has been designed to follow in situ reactions by X-ray powder diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy techniques.

A moiré pattern is observed by dividing the incident beam into two and formed by multiple Bragg–Laue interference fringes corresponding to the two incident beams. The coherency of X-rays from a bending-magnet beamline is evaluated using the moiré pattern.
A description of the accurate measurement and analysis of EXAFS oscillations in X-ray Raman scattering is given.
Local tomography data from a set of multiscale measurements on a tumor vessel tree were quantitatively compared with global data, and algorithms were used to match the reconstructed absorption coefficients. The study shows that the systematic differences in the absorption coefficients between the local and the global data arise not only from the truncated projections but to a greater extent from the optical components of the detector used.
short communications
The presented experiments aimed to study the feasibility of XAS measurements on the solute in a nebulized solution. The results indicate that such measurements are possible, but that high solution concentrations and/or extended sampling times are required to achieve a good signal-to-noise ratio.
Soft X-ray synchrotron radiation transmitted through microchannel plates is studied experimentally.
A description of the B23 SRCD beamline at Diamond is presented.
addenda and errata

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international union of crystallography