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Journal logoSTRUCTURAL

ISSN: 2053-2296

Advances in electron diffraction for structural characterization

Edited by Glenn Yap, Eric Reinheimer, Joe Ferrara, Laura Samperisi and Gunther Steinfeld

The use of electron diffraction (ED) as an alternative to traditional X-ray diffraction has gained traction in the last several years especially in the advent of electron beam diffractometers being developed. This collection will highlight recent advances in the technique and attempt to lay groundwork in establishing crystallographically sound standards and best practices for data collection and structural interpretation.

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Exciting developments are unfolding in the realm of chemical crystallography, especially with the profound impact of electron diffraction and the remarkable progress it has witnessed in recent years.

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The crystal structure of the natural fungal product beauveriolide I, isolated from the fungus Cordyceps javanica (Bally) Kepler, B. Shrestha & Spatafora, was subjected to 3D electron diffraction experiment and its absolute structure was determined by dynamical refinement.

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The absolute structure of Berkecoumarin, a natural product from a Berkeley Pit Lake Penicillium sp. is reported from both X-ray and electron diffraction data.

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This topical review highlights recent 3D ED/MicroED developments and serves as proceedings of a symposium and workshop held on November 6–9, 2023, at the National Center for CryoEM Access and Training in New York, New York, USA.

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With the currently avalaible 3D ED data it is possible to observe details of electrostatic potential deformations due to chemical bonding in organic crystals. The deformation signal is strong enough to see the benefits of using a more accurate potential model (TAAM) in achieving a better fit of the model to the experimental data.

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The structure of a CO2 reduction photo­catalyst prototype, the first cis-dicarbonyl ruthenium(II) tetra­pyrrole complex, has been determined by X-ray and electron diffraction to have an unprecedented seesaw-coordinated biladiene ligand.

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3D ED studies of synthetic rhabdophane allow single-crystal structure solution from individual nanocrystals and provides insight into the disordered water arrangment in the material. This highlights the usefulness of this technique to study order/disorder at nanoscale and its potential in exploring the effects of irradiation-induced structural and phase changes at such scales in the near future.


Most recent collection

Halogen, chalcogen, pnictogen and tetrel bonds: structural chemistry and beyond (May 2023)

Exciting upcoming collection

Advances in Electron Diffraction for Structural Characterization (2024) - Submit

Selected previous collections

Polyoxometalates (November 2018)

NMR Crystallography (March 2017)

Scorpionates: a golden anniversary (November 2016)

Full details are available on the collections page.

An interesting collection of previously published articles features Coordination polymers, with an introduction by Len Barbour.

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