issue contents
March 2019 issue

Cover illustration: Interpolated images of apparent chlorine (top) and sulfur (bottom) quantitation for glial cells as calculated using blank correction (left) or per-pixel baseline correction (right). The cells were contaminated with small crystals of sodium chloride which dominate the chlorine signal (see Crawford, Deb and Penner-Hahn, pages 497-503). Despite this contamination, blank correction can recover the sulfur signal (lower left) while baseline distortions leaves apparent `holes' in the chlorine distribution in the spots that had high chlorine (lower right).
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research papers

Serial synchrotron data were collected in flow in a simple microfluidic device under flow-focusing conditions which allowed sample consumption to be reduced compared with other previously reported liquid-flow devices. A pulsed data collection strategy prevented the formation of hydrogen bubbles in the chip and the high repetition rate allowed for a short data collection time.


addenda and errata